Ch. 1: Another Painful Day

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*the camera scans around Bart's room with the light off, it must have been night, and then the camera pants to the door opening to Bart showing if they smile and then letting it go, with a scowl and a frown*

Bart: another painful day... People just don't appreciate me for who I am, not Skinner, not Willie, not Lisa, Not Homer... What did I even do to deserve this... I just wish I should have died when I fell off that water tower. Well, I don't know what I'd do... Mrs. Krabappel is gone, I've been hit by a car once... My life is just horrible. And every single time I make a bad joke about my dad, he strangles me 24/7... I wish I was never born to someone like him. *Sigh* well, what the hell am I going to do... Might as well prepare for another painful day... Again. *Then Bart looks at the window and sees the Stars, and he did the only thing that came to his mind, Pray* God, if you could hear me right now... I need you to send me a friend... Maybe an angel... Anyone would be great, someone that could lift me out of this living nightmare I'm in right now... Please Lord, cannot live in this tortured life I am in, for you are a good good father... In Jesus' Name, Amen. *He then gets his pajamas on and gets in bed, I'm being awesome the camera pants up to the skies where God here's his prayer, and goes all out between dimensions, and all the sudden... I suddenly hear the word of God, about the life of a terrorized, struggling boy that is trying to fight a nightmare that he has no success of fending off on his own, I deploy a portal and I go through it, little did Bart know, Was that his prayer, will change everything.*

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