Deke looked back at Rose, she could see the tears gathered at his waterline. She shook her head, "It's not about me. Do what you think is right. I told you already I'd back whatever play you make."

Deke lowered the gun, switching his gaze back to Voss. "You're no killer," Voss reminded him. "It's fine. Like your dad used to say, play the long game. "Kasius thinks that Quake's his ticket out of here. Let him have her. What's the worst that could happen. She goes back in time, you already know what will," he said, an eerie cadence to his words.

"Deke, let's leave," Rose said, glaring at Voss from the safety of her side of the fence. "He'll say anything to stay alive."

Voss chuckled, "I know Deke's not a killer. What about you, little miss Valia? You have the power to pull the trigger?"

"I should be the one asking you that question, seeing as you couldn't kill two people who are significantly younger than you," Rose pointed out. "Seems like you lost your touch."

"Maybe I was wrong about you," Voss said, backing away from the cell wall. "You're not just his little sidekick."

"You're right Rosie, we should go," Deke said, making his way over to the door. Rose sent Voss one final glare before she followed Deke out of the room, back into the narrow hallways of the Zephyr. It was a lot quieter now that Voss and his crew had been taken out. Turns out none of his men had faith in the agents, they all wanted them dead. Rose had figured that most of the true believers had died before they had it to the Zephyr, and the last of the hope probably withered away once Owen went missing. She just hoped that wasn't the case with Deke.

Deke glanced down at the girl, he was unsure of what to say. "You know I don't see you as my sidekick, Rosie. You're so much more than that to me."

"I know that," Rose answered. "You can't turn Daisy into Kasius again," she expressed.

"I know that too," Deke replied.

Rose sighed, sticking her hands into her pocket. "But you're thinking about it, right?"

"Of course, I'm thinking about it," he admitted, running a hand through the mess that was his hair. "It seems like the best solution to our problem. If Quake doesn't go back in time, she never destroys the world and this whole lighthouse fiasco never happens."

"I mean, maybe, but we still can't do it. You can't do it," she said, correcting herself. "On both a moral and logical standpoint, it doesn't make any sort of sense. Morally, it's not right to sell Daisy out again, when we don't even know if she did it."

"But the video-" he started.

"We don't know if that'll ever come to pass now, since the agents are here in the future. Maybe seeing their future events now, will get them to change the past, and then this future will never happen, and then we will be fine, and earth will be-"

Deke gave a short laugh, "Rosie, you're not making any sense right now."

Rose bit her lip carefully, fiddling with the shelves of her jumpsuit. "What I'm trying to say is that I know you're a good person, and I care for you a lot more than I-" she stopped talking, taking a moment to collect her thoughts. "Just please don't make the same mistake twice."

The two had reached the main bit of the Zephyr. "You were gonna a long time," Coulson commented, eyeing Deke suspiciously. "Is Voss still among us?"

"He knows stuff we don't," Deke said simply. "I thought we might still need him."

Coulson didn't push the subject further, although Rose thought he looked like he wanted to. "Ha!" May exclaimed flipping one of the overhead lights on. The Zephyr had acquired power once more, Rose honestly had no idea it was out, but the sooner they could get off the surface, the better.

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