꧁Chapter Four.꧂

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❝The feelings gone

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❝The feelings gone.

There's nothing left to lift me up,

Back into the world I've known.❞


The sky was prettier at night, Phoenix noted as he looked up at the stars. He was in the midst of a daydream, a perfect world where there were no more threats. The childhood he should have had, where pain was only about falling down or getting a paper cut. He wished more than anything that he could live in his perfect fantasy world, which somehow in his mind included the handsome stranger he couldn't remember. If only life were simple, Phoenix thought as a loud explosion startled him.

He shot upwards, clutching his gun to his chest as he maneuvered through the crowd to find the source of the noise. It didn't surprise him one bit to find the woman Diyoza responsible, having used some type of weapon on the fountain.

“Sorry about your pretty fountain,” Diyoza spoke loud enough for everyone around her to hear. “but that was only half power. I know most of you are armed, if anyone moves for a weapon, you'll see what full power does to human flesh. Its not pretty.”

“Hey!” Bellamy shouted moving to stand beside of Phoenix, who was the closest to Diyoza. Octavia and the guards following her stepped closer as well. “What the hell are you doing? One call from me –”

“Make your call.”

Phoenix took a step closer as the others did, feeling protective, even if the woman seemed dangerous. Bellamy looked down at the radio in his hands, before pressing a button.

“Raven, come in,” Bellamy spoke into it. “Read me?” the line stayed dead, nobody responding. It didn't take a genius to know what that meant.

“The deals off, Diyoza informed Bellamy. “But nobody has to get hurt.” A commotion brought their attention to Clarke running towards them. “Hold your fire. Where's your mother?”

Octavia glanced at Clarke before she stepped forward, claiming that diyoza can't have her. The man with a psychotic gleam in his eyes turned towards them, his energized weapon turned on Octavia. Out of instinct, Phoenix stepped in front of her. Years of being the red queens guard had drilled it in him.

“She asked you a question,” McCreary stated. “Where's the doctor?”

“Yeah, that's right,” another man said, moving his weapon in Octavia's direction as well. “Not so tough now, are you?”

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