Larimae Of Vexiac-12

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Anyone who has seen the DreamWorks production 3Below will know where I got my inspiration for this character and her brother (next chapter). In the picture, the reddish claw is called the 'diealix claw'

Notice the first letters are 'die'.
This claw contains a very potent venom that has no cure and can kill within minutes by turning blood - any type! - or whatever keeps you alive into a type of stone. The other claw, which is bluish, is called the 'parifarix claw', and has a venom that causes absolute, pure pain upon any living thing. There is a cure, cardiac glycosides, which is a toxin found in milkweed. But anyone would take milkweed over parifalix acid, which is the 'pain venom'.

You can't see it in this particular drawing, but Vexiacs have four legs! They're very fast runners, and are tall. Females reach a minimum height of 6 feet. Males a minimum of 8. Larimae herself is roughly 6 feet nine inches.
All of her friends call her Lari. Not pronounced Larry. Pronounced La-ree.

Both genders have horns.

Both genders have horns

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