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Here's the second half of the last chapter. I keep having to rewrite and edit my chapters because I don't want them to be insanely long. 

There's a little bit of fluff, a little bit of humor, and a little angst (;


You listened to the bird squawk as it flew away. Both you and Suma sighed, glad that's all it was. You stared down at your paper, unable to refocus yourself. Every time the man left the house you got a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach that never eased until he returned safely. You hated that he communicated through Nijimaru because the bird always made everything seem so much more intense than it needed to be. You doodled on your paper absently as you thought about Tengen.

Suma watched, accepting your disinterest in finishing the lesson. It pained her to watch you struggle with your feelings for her husband, she knew you needed him but couldn't push you to accept him faster than you were. Though the both of you had made great bounds, there was still a long way to go.

You drew your family outside your home, making sure to draw yourself standing between Tengen and Suma, Makio and Hinatsuru standing to the side of Suma. You wrote their names sloppily above their heads, drawing hearts around them. Above Tengen you wrote his name then erased it out, instead writing 'dad'. You chewed you lip, feeling awkward you wrote that, then scribbled out the name all together, rewriting his actual name to the side. You drew a star next to his name.

"Can we hang this?" you asked Suma.

"Of course, sweetie!"

She took the picture off of the table to look at it, nodding at it in an appreciative manner.

"You could be an artist," she praised you blindly like any mother would. You'd only drawn sloppy triangle people.

"Suma, [Y/N]!!" Hinatsuru called from the kitchen, stopping you from whining at your mother. You were quick to rise to your feet and bounce to the kitchen.

Hinatsuru already had the wood stool pulled up to the counter, the pot of rice resting and cooling on a cooling tray. You made quick work of washing your hands before joined her at the counter.

"Remember how I taught you last time?" she asked softly. You nodded, ready to begin making rice balls with her. Quietly Makio joined Suma at the kotatsu to watch you two. Hina pulled forward the bowls containing ingredients to include in your rice balls, she decided to leave it up to you to pick the flavors.

You began to make your rice balls, cupping your small hands to form them. You listened to your mothers chat about the plans for the week, getting excited as they planned a day trip to the water. You'd never been to the water and you were excited to see dolphins! You'd read lots about them.

You huffed as the rice ball you accidentally stuffed too full fell apart, making a mess on the counter. You looked at Hina who was turned to your other two mothers. Giddily you mushed the rice and stuffing against the counter, the mess becoming larger and harder to clean up. Only when you slapped your hand against the mess on the counter, making it splatter against the walls and Hinatsuru, did anyone notice what you were doing.

"[Y/N]!!," Makio shouted at you, trying not to scold you too harshly.

"Oh my gosh," Suma whined, getting up to help clean.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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