♡ Safe ♡

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Hiya! Welcome to this little story I'm throwing together to cure my own daddy issues.

The readers' age will be around 4/5 although I'm going to kinda leave it ambiguous, but alas you are a small bebe. You are also a wee lass, so sorry if that bothers you.

This story might contain some mentions of more mature themes (i.e; strong language, abuse, sexual assault, crude humor, and maybe more) so please be advised, but there will be no smut as this story follows a literal child.

This story doesn't follow the actual events of the anime/manga but may still contain some spoilers so read at your own risk. It does start somewhere in the Entertainment District Arc.

A small frail body shivered in the shadows of a dirty alleyway, trying their best to conceal themselves from their pursers. They clutched a small sack of ohagi they'd stolen not too long ago to their chest, trying their hardest to remain as small as they could against the wall. Too scared to lose out on their bounty, small hands quickly open the sack and grab for one of the mushy ohagis shoving it into their mouth, the next one following suit quickly.

"Hey, brat!" An angry voice calls out but it seems to get farther from the small body hiding away. Thinking the pursers had lost them, the small body slides down against the wall to sit and enjoy the rest of the ohagi.

It had been days since they were last able to make off with some food.

"Brat," a voice spat, suddenly a shadow loomed over the frail figure sitting on the ground. Dull, tired eyes looked up to meet angry aged ones. The child didn't answer, however, only moving to eat the next ohagi.

Might as well get down what they were able to.

A foot kicked out, knocking the bag to the ground letting the last ohagi roll out. The child grimaced at the wasted food.

"I'm speaking to you, didn't anyone teach you to answer when spoken to," the man stood hunched over and spat, directly in the poor kid's face, "I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson."

He swiftly kicked the child in the side, knocking it over. Grabbing it from the ground he lifted it up and thrust it against the wall, only earning himself a grunt of pain from the child. Before he could strike the child he was stopped by a shrill shriek.

"Stoooop!!! Stop it right now!!," both parties now stared at a young woman in a short blue dress. Her arms pushed out at her sides, face carrying the most concerned expression the child had ever seen. Their heart skipped a beat, no one had ever looked at them that way.

"What are you doing to that child?" she questioned further. The man huffed and looked around, seemingly weighing his options.

"Whatsit to yah, this brat stole from me and I'm collecting-"

"I'll repay you!" she interrupted, "so just let the child go and I'll repay you for the costs of whatever it was."

Her teary sapphire eyes met the childs' and she smiled trying to reassure them. From what the kunoichi could make out, the child looked to be about the age where children start school, their hair was unkempt and any inch of exposed skin was covered in dirt. The yukata they wore was quite tattered, and not really appropriate for the weather or location they were in.

"Bitch, that'll be 5,000 yen to cover the cost of what the brat took this time."

The woman reached for a pouch in her obi and threw it at the man, watching him step away to catch it and open it.

♡ Princess [ Daddy! Tengen ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora