Why did Krishna come in Kaliyuga?

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Hare Krishna all of you ❤️

So before knowing about the pastimes, we should know why Lord Chaitanya has appeared.

First of all, Krishna is the Supreme Lord.

Many people believe that Krishna is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, which is partially true.

Actually, Krishna comes (in His own form) in 1 day of Lord Brahma. You may refer to youtube videos telling how long a day of Lord Brahma is.

So, in that case, Krishna, Himself, descends on Earth.

Krishna is the source of Lord Vishnu and Vishnu is a plenary portion of Lord Krishna. I know, this might seem new but this is true.

So, is it wrong to say that Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu?

No, in other ages, Vishnu takes the form of Lord Krishna and descends on Earth. But, there are a few differences.

Just because Krishna is source of Lord Vishnu, it doesn't mean that both of them are different.

Just like a man is formal in his office, but in home, he cuts jokes and plays with his little child, Krishna in His home (Goloka Vrindavan) is very intimate with His friends and other devotees. For example, while stealing butter, the friends of Krishna climb on His shoulders to get the pot of butter. But, you can't try this with Vishnu of Vaikuntha! (I don't advise you to)

This is the only difference. Vishnu is like the man in office and Krishna is like the same man in his very own home.

Also, many of us used to think that Krishna of Mathura and Dwarka are same of that of Vrindavan.

Well, the statement is (once again) partially true.

There are two Krishna - Yashodanandan (son of Mother Yashoda, who resides in Vrindavan) and Vasudeva (the son of Devaki and Vasudev, who resides in Mathura and Dwarka).

Yashodanandan Krishna is the source of Vasudeva Krishna.

Once again, the difference is only of mood. Else, they are same.

The Dwarkadhish (King of Dwarka) has more of opulence than the cowherd boy (Krishna of Vrindavan).

Vasudeva Krishna acts like a family member, but at the same time, people know Him as the Supreme God, hence, they immediately start worshipping Him.

But, Krishna is tired of it now. Whoever He sees is lighting up a lamp in front of Him.

(This doesn't mean that we shouldn't do puja, actually our love isn't developed, hence, we have to worship Him in the mood of a servant.)

Whereas in Vrindavan, people consider Krishna as their friend, son, lover, etc.

And they don't even know that He's God. I mean, people of Vrindavan aren't even interested in opulence of Shri Krishna.

Krishna is Lakshmi-pati (Husband of goddess of fortune, Lakshmi). Then what will He do of some diyas in front of Him?

All He wants from us is our spontaneous love towards Him, thinking Him as one's friend, son, etc.

Since we don't have so much love, we have to offer our things to Him.

Now how is it related to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?

Well, in Vaikuntha, devotees serve in mood of servants and Vishnu accepts them

In Dwarka, devotees consider Krishna as their family member. The love is spontaneous here. But, at the same time, they know that Krishna is God and hence, worship Him.

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