Part 1: Couldn't Wish For More

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"That's what I'm talking about!" JJ screamed, sitting on his surf board. Him and John B were dancing with the waves for the last hour. Sun was almost going down, they were sitting on their boards facing each other and chilling. The others were on the beach, they were starting the fire for the night.

 It has been a week since they were spending time in the island. It was fun at first, the nice weather, waves, no one around to bother them... Plus,  it was nice to be able to rest after the shit they had to go through. But they all knew they had to start thinking about how to go back. Finding food was getting harder and harder, there were no booze or weed -which concerned only JJ-, but that was the pogue life. The problem wasn't the resources. They had a mission, they all took an oath to find the cross, the gold, they took an oath to win just for once. Running around an empty island, playing with the waves all day and laughing around the bonfire with friends was nice while it lasted; but it was time to go back.

"Hey," John B interrupted JJ's thoughts. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Wha- about what?"

John B smiled and pointed his finger towards the beach and stopped at Kie. "About her."

"Yeah sure let's talk man. What about her?" JJ said, trying not to look suspicious or too interested. John B splashed some water on him and laughed.

"Come on, man! What's going on? She acts all concerned and scared on the boat when you pass out, then we come here and you barely talk, oh and there's all that weird stolen glances..."

"So you weren't concerned or scared when I passed out, huh? Thanks bro, feels good to hear." 

"Yeah you know what J, change the subject. Keep running from it as long as you can, okay?"

"You know..." JJ said with a smirk on his face. "I'm a pretty fast runner."

Pope and Kie were dragging the woods and Cleo and Sarah were lighting the fire when the boys were back on the beach. 

"Hey Princess," said JJ while walking towards Kie. It might be hard being close to her, but it was impossible to be away. "You need help?"

"Wow, JJ. You've finally decided to help with something huh?"

"Well i figured you can't do anything without me." he said while grabbing the wood in her hands.  Kie stepped back and pulled out the wood JJ was holding.

"Go help someone else."

JJ put his hand on his heart and grimaced as if it hurts. "Don't be so harsh on me princess..."

"You'll get over it." said Kie smiling, and she walked away shrugging him softly. JJ was standing still and watching her walk with a smile on his face when John B poked him with a piece of wood. 

"Nothing to talk about, huh?"

JJ pulled himself together and whispered with a faint smile. "Deny, deny, deny."

Weather was getting cold, but the pogues were gathered around the bonfire warming up.

"Let's play a game, or I'm gonna pass out." said Sarah. She was lying on John B's lap and he was playing with her hair.

"We had this game that we played on the boat when we got stuck in the middle of a storm..." said Cleo. "We played it to calm down and distract ourselves."

"Sounds like we could use it right about now..." Kie said. JJ looked over at Kie, wanted to say something to make her feel better but he didn't have the courage to talk. All he could do was smiling a little when their eyes met, but Kie immediately looked away. 

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