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        Now, escaping from our tree wasn't the easiest feat, but we managed to push through. Abigail and I pushed our way through the geeks, stabbing some in the brain, and just barely slipping through other's fingers.

        "We have to keep going east!" Abigail yelled through the muffles and yells of the geeks we were impaling and knocking down, attracting attention from others. We were making quite the scene. We needed somewhere to stop and rest before one of us was severely injured.

         It had just occured to me, where Splinter had gone. God, I keep forgetting about that dog, I thought, why the hell did I even think to bring him? He'll probably come around, right? Then it suddenly popped in my head that we had been traveling around in a wasteland full of flesh-eating, half-dead monsters. I felt sick.  I didn't know if I was going to be able to make it to the next "landmark." We had to hurry.

        "We have to get out of this crowd!" I yelled up ahead to Abi, who was fighting a lot better than I felt I was. I hadn't been scratched or bit, so I guess I was doing fine. Then I heard rapid-fire. I panicked and dropped down, stabbing every geek that went down to tear into my still-beating heart.

        Amid all the rotted corpses that were in their rightful place-- on the ground-- I saw a man--no, not a man; almost, though-- with medium-length, dark hair, large-ish arms, and a pretty sizeable automatic machine gun. He had blood on his face and fire in his eyes. I could tell he had seen terrible things, but at the same time, he looked kindly, and willing to help. I automatically stood up, tried to say, "hey, need help," but vomited what little food I had in my stomach all over several bodies after "he-" Pathetic, I know, and what's better? I blacked out right after.

        When I woke up, Abi, the dark-haired man, and I were in a dark room, but I could faintly see through the darkness that the room was a part of a house, and it was a pretty nice house. The man was sitting on a table looking through the curtains out at the world and talking to Abi, who seemed pretty accepting of him. I sat up and looked down at my hands. They had lost all color. When I looked back up, the man knelt down next to me, and said, "Hey, Alfie, my name is Korbin," in a very surprisingly higher voice than I had once expected, but his voice fit him. And with that, I fainted again.

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