Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Just after I cleaned up, I heard someone at the door, "Scott, are you in there?" The boy asked, knocking again and again.

Scott's brows furrowed, he threw a sheet on me and stood up, "Let me check what's the problem,"

I nodded, covering my bare body with the sheets as Scott put on a robe and went to the door to attend whoever was outside. I recognized the voice but I couldn't remember when I heard it.

Probably at school.

I hid myself as soon as I found that the boy knocking at the door was Louis, Scott's best friend—he was no better than Scott. They both ruined the beginning of my year together and while Scott was a little hesitant in using foul words against me, Louis wasn't.

"Girl problems, downstairs!" I heard him announce.


"A few chicks,"

"So, kick them out. I'm busy right now," Scott said.

"What?" His friend exclaimed, sounding shocked. Dug my self deeper inside the sheets as he peeked inside the room. "Who are you sleeping with?"

"Your sister—out you go, don't disturb me." Scott replied, sarcastically before slamming the door on his face.

I got out of my sheets only when Louis was out and then I scrambled off the bed to find my clothes but they were dirty so I had no option but to wear one of Scott's close.

While wearing his shirt, I heard Louis scream, "I don't have a sister! And, the chicks downstairs are going to kill each other if you don't handle it. You know I don't like nails, Scott."

Upon hearing that, Scott quickly dragged up his jeans and threw a shirt over his manly body before moving towards the door.

"Take the left hallway if you don't want anyone to know," Scott said, looking outside the door.

Once the view was clear, I ran out, buttoned up my shirt and went downstairs to grab a drink so it wouldn't seem like I had been with Scott, although, I was wearing his clothes and they looked baggy on me.

Before I could even sip on my drink, I heard a few screams followed by yelling and curses. One of the voices belonged to Veora. Was she fighting with someone? I went inside the room where people weren't dancing anymore and found Veora throwing her hands on another girl.


Tension spread across my face and I placed my drink on the table before running to Veora side. Before Mariah could pounce on her, I stopped it.

"Stop," I held Veora back, my hands around her shoulders and stopped them from ripping each other's hair off.

"Get out, slut!" She said, backing away and pulling her sleeves up. Her eyes trailed down to my clothes and her eyes twitched, furthering the anger. "What a whore,"

"Excuse me?"

"Stop sleeping with my boyfriend!" She yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. Yelp. There went my plan to be discreet. The pounding in my chest increased as I looked around at the shocked faces.

Mariah didn't give me a chance to speak, instead, she threw her hands on me the second she got a chance too. I freed myself from her and scurried away immediately.

"He's not your boyfriend, you crazy bitch." I spat back but then decided to calm down. Mariah was drunk, completely, and she had no idea what she was doing.

I was sober. I needed to act better.

A big hand came between us before anything else could happen. Scott pulled Mariah away from and I took my way out of the house, holding my throbbing head.

"Someone needs to put her in a mental insinuation," Veora said, running her hands through her wild hair and taming it down.

"Why were you fighting with her? Did she say you something?" I asked, glancing at her direction. Veora was the new girl in the town and in school, it didn't make sense.

Why would Mariah pick up a fight with her?

"Nothing," she trailed off and sounded exactly like she was hiding something.

"Tell me, what happened?" I repeated, inching closer.

Her voice hushed down as she replied, "Well, a few hours ago, I saw you leave with that old man and I decided to go tell Scott just incase something was wrong."

"Wait, you were around?" I stopped her and asked. Did she see me leaving with Hunter?

"No, I with my friend, smoking and then I left for a while, that's when I saw you leaving. I went up to Scott but he—he was busy—"

"Busy?" I raised my brows.

"Mariah was kissing him and I know I shouldn't have said anything but I was worried about you so I told Scott where you went and he followed you. In that time, Mariah and I had a verbal argument and things took off from there." She explained, her eyes narrowed down as she was ashamed of telling me all this.

My heart dropped and my mouth hung wide open. Scott was kissing her again?

"I'm sorry," she uttered after a moment.

"No, no, it's fine. Thank you," I breathed deep and gave her a light hug, "You almost saved my life,"


"That creepy old guy was forcing himself upon me and if it weren't for Scott, I'd be dead or something." I answered, shaking my head. "Anyway, you should go back to my house, I will deal with Scott and will be there in a few minutes."

Veora nodded her head, "I will see you at home then," She said before throwing on her jacket and walking out.

I glanced at the watch strapped around my hand, it was a little over midnight and I needed to go back home before my Dad would do something but before all that, I had to deal with Scott.

He kissed Mariah right before having sex with me—I wasn't fine with that at all.

People walked past me and the crowd finally cleared up whilst I looked around for Scott, hoping I wouldn't find him with Mariah again.

Couldn't he just stop with her? Why was he even giving her hope when he didn't want to be with her? Was he playing with me or her?

After searching for a while, I found Scott seated upstairs, drinking a glass of alcohol.

"I thought you left," He said, raising his head and looking at me.

"You kissed Mariah before having sex with me?" I asked, keeping my voice low. There was no one around but I was still suspicious that someone was sneaking up on us.

Scott stood up, confusion in his eyes but not denial, "Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter. Did you?"

"Yes but it didn't mean anything. You and I both know how crazy Mariah can get when she doesn't gets something. I didn't want to piss her off," He explained, his hands extending out to hold me but I pushed them away.



"It's disgusting, Scott. And, we are done. Goodbye,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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