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Suisei: Once again, you'll be able to meetup with your Oshi's on the 25th! I hope I see you there everyone! Otsumachi~

Suisei's ending animation plays indicating the stream finishing.


March 25th, Hololive held a fan meet up where fans can meet up with their idols and interact and be able to interact with them.

Since I started working in hololive, I was tasked to be there during the event standing by in case any incidents were to occur.

Suisei and I left early in the morning to the hololive HQ before the event started. Once everyone was gathered, we got into the company vehicles and were brought to the event venue itself.

Since there were still an hour before the event started, the inside of the venue was still pretty much empty, aside from a few staff members.

The booths were lined up by generations, Gen 0 being the ones nearest to the entrance and 6th gen being on the farthest side.

Once the designated time was up, the gates were opened and fans started entering the building. Each one trying to get to their respective Oshi as early as they can.

Fans were given a short amount of time to interact with their oshi's so that everyone would be able to interact with them.

People would ask for autographs and pictures. Since Suisei's birthday was recent, she also received multiple Happy birthdays.

My main purpose to be here was to make sure nothing bad were to happen, but as that is a rare occurrence, I was mainly taking pictures for the fans.

Y/N: Allow me to take a picture for you.

I approached the fan who was currently in the front of the line. He gave me his so I could take care of him with Suisei.

"Thank you very much"

The fan says as he leaves to make way for the next person.


Suisei: Thank you, please enjoy the event!

I say as one of the few female fans in this event leave the line.

Suisei: Okay, next~

I called out to the next person in line. A male wearing a grey hoodie approached the desk.

Suisei: Good afternoon! What should I call you?

Takkun: M-my family calls me Ta-kun

Suisei: Thanks for coming Takkun!

It was pretty obvious that he was nervous like how a majority of the guests were so far.

Suisei: Do you have anything for me to sign?

Takkun: A-ah yes, here, thanks

He gave me a poster of me to sign. The poster was being sold here at the venue, making it a pretty common thing to be signed.

Takkun: I recently discovered you, just a week ago actually. I ended up watching a lot of your streams, and when I heard there was going to be a meet-up close by, I had to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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