hye :D

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Hi so.. uhh I sakit. Sakit tekak je la :D but not really serious issues. Anyways I tgh buat chp 22/23 :D the vacation so.. uhhh.. not really sure it's good la like I'm lack of idea do.. tk reti la bab bab dating cam ni 🗿 hshahshaha
Anyways I ade buat idea how's the bilik or maybe homestay tempat Y/n n Mikey tinggal for the time diorang kat pantai tu :D

So ni like aq nak dpt pendapat korang la it's it nice or tah pape la lagi pon maybe aq will publish chp 22 hr ni dulu n chp 23 esok? :V nth la maybe la nanti minggu dpn chp baru lagi mcm gitchu👩🏻‍🦲

So ni like aq nak dpt pendapat korang la it's it nice or tah pape la lagi pon maybe aq will publish chp 22 hr ni dulu n chp 23 esok? :V nth la maybe la nanti minggu dpn chp baru lagi mcm gitchu👩🏻‍🦲

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Lukisan tk cantik🗿👎🏻

Haa.. cam tu la haa cam tu

Ha tu je la bye. For yg positive covid gws🚶🏻‍♀️ and have a good day :)

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