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I don't know if my mind is playing a trick on me

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I don't know if my mind is playing a trick on me. But I am sure I heard someone come into my room. Into my bathroom. And I just know if that's the case, it's not Olivia.

The girl hasn't heard of privacy yet so she would most likely already be standing in the shower with me. As far as I know Luna is not able to open doors which leaves one person out.

Ryke is in my bathroom. Seeing everything he shouldn't see as my best friend's dad. But damn it. I don't know why it still makes me want him to stay. I am mad at him. I am even a little hurt from what he said about me and Will.

But that makes me want him to apologize. I will not act surprised. "Oh, fuck. I am so sorry,
Louisa, I- "  "Did you come here to apologize?" I shouldn't talk to him like that. Because he is my boss, is Val's dad and so much more. It still makes me feel good.

Those reasons should make me feel weird. Feel weird because that man is able to see everything of me right now if he is really looking.

I know I have a good body. And I know that boys have the same opinion as I do. I just don't know how it is with a man like Ryke. If he thinks the same.

Ryke releases a rough sigh and I just know he is running his hand through his hair right now. "No- I mean yes. Look, Louisa. I am sorry about being mean to you. The things I said about you opening the door to Will that way did not give me the right. I do not have the right to say that. And I am sorry about the way I reacted when you told me about Olivia's accident."

I turned off the water because I was done with showering anyway, got the towel and wrapped it around me properly to step out of the shower and to face him. Ryke took a moment to look at me from head to toes before he gulped loudly and finally looked me in the face again.

"I was just shocked and felt helpless that I wasn't there when it happened. You know that my girls are the most important things in my fucking life. I know that you can do the job and I am sorry that I said it was a mistake to hire you. I didn't mean that and I hope that my actions and words don't affect you wanting to work here. Olivia really likes you and I know she would be hurt if you would leave." He thinks I want to quit? I have heard worse things at Elizabeth's diner.

"I won't quit. Not just because I really, really need the money or a place to live at. I want to work here because of Olivia. She's great company." I could literally see the relief in his face at the thing I just told him..

And then something that shocked me- the man went closer, closer. And then hugged me. He was still wearing the white dress shirt he even wears on his days off. It must be soaked now. He pulls me into his muscular body it takes me time to think what I am supposed to do.

I don't know where to put my hands so I leave it at my sides. "She has had so many nannies in her short life before. And I have a feeling that you are the only one she's really warming up to. Thank you, Louisa."

He stole the air from my lungs. He makes my heart beat so hard I am convinced he has to feel it. He smells so damn amazing. No. Stop. Stop it right now, Louisa.

"Uh, Ryke?" "Hmm?" What is going on with him? "I, uh. I would like to change now and get ready for bed," I need to get out of his grip before I start to like it too much than I should.

The man immediately releases me and looks at me as if he couldn't believe what he just did himself. He first looks at me, then shuts his eyes and stays like this for a moment as he clenched his jaw. "Fuck. I am so sorry. I-" he stopped himself right after that and then started walking backwards. "I'm leaving now. Have a good night, Louisa."

Ryke was out of the room faster than I could think. His absence made me feel weird. I should be ashamed to think that way about this man. And maybe the reason for all this. For the way my body just reacted to this is because I haven't been touched my someone else but myself in such a long time.

And there's not even a chance that the reason might be the looks of this gorgeous, gorgeous man.



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