"So you when did you start babysitting them?", she asked.

"I was maybe 9 or 10 years old, the older kids always watch the youngers. While the adults do whatver they do everytime we met up.", I said.

"So it's a latino thing too?", she asked.

"Yeah you're a free babysitter, I think almost everyone does that.", I said.

"Can not beat free babysitters, I don't think I will follow that legacy exactly. I mean sometimes but I dont want to just snatch the fun from the older kids."

"Thank goodness, let's see how it plays out. So what bring you out to this sunset?"

"I just love this view I am not more mobile after surgery, and Rumi loves the sunset as well. It seems to help her sleep better. I went through billions of houses to find this view it was worth the wait."

"Good choice all worth the search.", I added.

I decided to add music to the situation, my song of choice 'Freaking Out On the Interstate.'
I sat in silence minding my own business just looking at the sun go down. I started to sing along to the song, I am no pro but it is fun for me.

"I'm sorry I haven't been myself And something's got me down What it is, I cannot tell I won't be satisfied with anything I've earned." I sang.

"You're not a pop girl I see" I chuckled.

"Actually I am a whatever sounds good, I like is my music choice. I have realized its nice to listen to a bit of everything and not limit yourself to this one music.",

"You're right sorry about that comment, I am still figuring us out."

"Same I figuring everything out I didn't realize how different it is to live here full time. Man now I am just sitting lost.", I admitted.

"Yeah everything changes, how would you feel about having new guest some you have met and some you haven't coming over either to meet the babies or hang out?", she asked.

"I am open to that I was starting to wonder if you just lived in solitary confinement.", I laughed.

"No we don't I promise that but that means my mom will be back, I talked with her and she will not be treating you like before. Obviously there are gonna be times she might be in charge of watching you. However she should not bother you and if she does let me know I will have more discussions with my mamma and keep her in check."

"Cool I'll keep that in mind. Now its starting to get windy our here but it is like a warm wind", I looked at the trees, "Do we see wildfires here?"

"Not really there hasn't been any fire actvity nearby, it is always a concern. However we take all precautions to avoid anything that can start a fire here."

"Good to know I remembered that fire saftey, and what about earthquakes?", I looked around.

"You can't predict them but the house is up to code for earthquake safety, you avoid being near stuff that will fall. Don't ask about storms because it barely rains in SoCal"

"I know that already I didn't have to ask.", I rolled my eyes.

"I was just covering the basics don't get too sassy now", her country accent took over, "I'll show you how Houston handles that sass."

"I know already I'm not going there.", I backed up.

"Look at that my little New York sweetheart is becoming a Californian", I  turned to the familiar voice.

"GRANDMAAAAAA", I jumped up and ran to her.

"There is my Kyndedy, I missed you", she hugged me tightly.

I was sort of close with her, I visited her often because my mom actually liked her. Gloria was not her bestie but she put up enough with her to talk some sense into my mom and I would have many sleepovers with her. Especially when my mom getting worse.

"And I see I got my other neice Rumi getting that last bit of sun", she smiled.

"Yeah she getting that glow", I said.

"Hey Gloria so glad you could make it, wanna hold Runi?", Beyoncé got up slowly.

"Yes but you take it easy I can pick her up from you. C sections are no joke", she went over to her, "that csection is a pain your stomach is already falling apart and the insides are trying to cling back together the you are sown up where you usually bed. You are tough."

"I didn't know that is it worse than natural birth?", I asked.

"Yeah its more invasive sure is faster to get the babies our but the recovery is awful.", Beyoncé said.

"Wow I am shocked, I do not think I will be having kids in the future.", I thought about it.

"You say that now they can be a reward", Gloria smiled.

"Yeah I am grateful for my kiddos and you I know there is pain and hardwork but all worth it. I see the way you're growing up and makes me proud", Beyoncé said.

"Really. Aw man you pulling emotions. I love you too boo", I fanned myself acting all dramatic.

"Girl go take a walk", Gloria looked at me.

"Alright lets go inside its getting more chilly", Beyoncé stood up.

We walked on in joining Blue and dad they were playing a card game and naturally we joined them in the game. It was a nice time I wasn't focused on winning and I was just admiring the fact Blue played so well. She wasn't mad at her mistakes she went along with it.

Her bed time was much earlier than mine and hers crept up real fast, I watched her fight sleep for a minute. We still had a weird dynamic and I couldn't shake it off, I do not understand how we are supposed to be together.

A while later grandma decided she was gonna sleep in my room with me, I was excited. I missed that one on one time with her.

"So how is life making new friends?", Gloria approached me.

"Sort of I have so far been reintroduced to Beys famoly and their nice we are still figuring out limits boundaries and all of that. Then I am still figuring out how close do I have to be to Blue like 24/7 with her."

"Girl easy on bonding time, I mean hang out most of the time help her with things but when you need space get that space. You do not have to be 24/7 or her nanny. The friendship will come naturally as long as your willing to compromise at times."

"Oh I get it, I didn't realize how different it is to live here 24/7. I have been struggling to get a routine or anything and I wish I had people my age. I also don't want to complain because its not easy two kids and two newborns. I mean at least I enjoy watching the twins theyre so tiny.", I rambled on. She chuckled.

"Its been less than a month I know it is all different but I promise you the routine and friends are coming. Just remember it takes time. That is all it is time."

"I know although the good this is they're gonna be accepting guests to visit. Maybe I will meet new people my age or make friends."

"You will and then you'll be going to school and there are many friend opportunities there or even just socializing."

"Yeah thats true, so about New York have you ran into any of my family?", I asked.

"Yeah a few times we don't live far I would obviously see them no biggie."

"I am just curious to see if they say anything about my mom or me."

"Curiosity can be evil but that is not what you need to know. You know your family is very known for being mean and you know how they were with you. You don't need to keep stabbing yourself with the same sword and getting that outrage. Focus on here on now you have a blank canvas make it a happy painting, something that give you joy."

Kynedy CarterWhere stories live. Discover now