Agent Fowler: Oh yeah? Well then let's have this conversation face-to-face. Get out of your vehicles, then we can talk. [He said pointing to them both.]

Megatron: Uh... We can't necessarily get out, it's complicated-

Agent Fowler: I don't want excuses! I want to meet you up close and personal. [He cut him off, crossing his arms.]

Megatron:... Very well. [He began after a moment. Then, both he and Optimus transformed, and everyone stood back in shock.] If you insist. [Megatron finished playfully.]

[Optimus bent down to Agent Fowler's level.]

Optimus Prime: Is this up close and personal enough for you? [Optimus asked in the same tone.]

Agent Fowler: U-Uh...

Megatron: Come on Optimus, don't scare him. [Megatron teased, crossing his arms.]

Optimus Prime: I'm not trying to scare him. [Optimus said, looking up at him.]

Megatron: Maybe, but the poor things are terrified, just look. [He said, pointing at Fowler and his men.]

Agent Fowler: I'm not terrified! I'm just... Shocked. [He said. They both gave him a knowing look, but he ignored it.] Are there more of you?

Optimus Prime: Indeed. There are six of us in total. Would you like to meet them? [He offered.]

Agent Fowler:... Might as well. [He replied.]

[Optimus nodded, then called for a ground-bridge, which appeared a moment later. Hot Rod and Breakdown were able to fix it. Everyone jumped back in surprise.]

Megatron: Follow us. [Megatron instructed as they began to walk toward the green vortex.]

Agent Fowler: Hold up, you want me to go through there!? Is it even safe for humans? [He asked worriedly.]

Optimus Prime: Do not worry, it shouldn't harm you.

Agent Fowler: Shouldn't?

[Before he could protest further, the bots went through the vortex. Agent Fowler sighed in exasperation, then told his men to stay put before going through as well.]

° ° °

[When they entered the ship, he saw the other bots, and they all looked at him surprised.]

Hot Rod: You brought it with you? [Hot Rod asked, staring at him.]

Agent Fowler:... I think... I'm going to be... Sick... [He said, ignoring the red and orange bot as he tried not to hurl.]

Ratchet: Don't you dare empty your tanks in the ship! [Ratchet snapped.] Undertone, make sure he doesn't cause any trouble. [He lifted his arm, and a white circular object flew off his arm and transformed.]

[Agent Fowler jumped back as the bot called Undertone landed in front of him.]

Agent Fowler: I'm fine! I'm not going to hurl, just back away... [He said, keeping his eye on the human-sized bot.]

Optimus Prime: Calm down. We invited him here. [Optimus explained. Undertone nodded before going back to Ratchet.]

Agent Fowler: So, what are you exactly?

Optimus Prime: We are Cybertronians. Sentient self-configuring modular robotic lifeforms. A synergistic blend of biological and technological engineering. [He explained.]

Agent Fowler: Interesting. Names? [Everyone looked at him confused.]... What are you called? [He clarified.]

Megatron: Oh. Well, you already know us. The red, orange and yellow speedster is Hot Rod, the light blue bot is Chromia, the blue hulk is Breakdown, white, orange, and grumpy is Ratchet, and the little guy that scared you is Undertone. [Megatron said, pointing to each one.]

Agent Fowler: Noted. So, where do you all come from? [He asked.]

Optimus Prime: A planet called Cybertron. It was our home until the Great Deception. [Optimus replied.]

Agent Fowler: Great Deception?

Optimus Prime: Indeed. Years ago, there was unfairness in our world, due to a caste system run by the council and Sentinel Prime. Megatron and I went to them and told them our ideas of peace and equality, and they agreed and made me into Prime, and I made Megatron one later.

- A few years after the agreement that Megatronus and I made with each other, things were finally at peace. The high council allowed us to join their ranks, the caste system was done away with in favor of fair, important rules that could easily be followed, and we reopened the space-bridges under the request of Soundwave, our friend.

- Things were fine until there were rumors of an uprising. No one knew who started it, but it was becoming a problem, Cybertronians were beginning to doubt the High Council. That's when a femme named Elita-1, who I met and became Conjunct Endure with a few years back, suggested having a public speech to address the issue. But that backfired when the public was attacked, and the blame went to the council.

- Soon more attacks occurred, and it was becoming more dangerous for everyone. Elita-1 then suggested making a force field around the council building to prevent ourselves from getting hurt, just in case. And we reluctantly agreed. But once it was done, Cybertronians miss took the device as something that could wipe them all out, so that the council could control the new sparks without a problem.

- They all charged the council building and started to attack. Seeing no other options, we turned on the force field. But to our horror, it sent a mind-controlling wave all over Cybertron, brainwashing almost all the population. Those who weren't brainwashed were captured by Elita and her followers, for she was the one behind everything. Soon, almost everyone on Cybertron was either captured, or mind controlled.

- Many were forced into mining and gladiator battles for punishments or entertainment, no one was safe anymore. And all because Elita-1 thought she had a vision from Primus that her destiny was to be the queen of Cybertron. Things stayed like this for four million years until we formed a small rebellion group.

- Together we formed a weak but decent plan. We were going to take the Matrix Of Leadership and Vector Sigma away from Elita and leave Cybertron, looking for a place to hide it, and possibly a refuge for our group.
The rest would try and help Cybertron the best they could. So we put our plan into action and accomplished it.

- I turned into Optimus Prime, and Megatronus was able to protect Vector Sigma until I got there. We and a small group went into this ship and left Cybertron, leaving the remaining rebellion in Alpha Trion's servos. But we didn't count on Elita sending her troops to chase us, go through the space bridge, and shoot us down, as well as crash themselves. [Optimus finished.]

Agent Fowler:... That's quite the story... I'll have to report this to General Brice. In the meantime, if you're all staying here, you'll need to blend in. [He said seriously.]

[They all agreed. After finding and scanning vehicles, and showing Fowler around, as well as answering a few more questions, he left, leaving the bots to continue fixing their ship.]

• • •

[Bots are assessing the damage to their ship as their current leader walks in.]

Arcee: Report.

Bulkhead: There is tremendous damage done to the ship... We won't be flying for a while... [He said.]

[She growled in annoyance but dismissed him. Arcee went into her queen's throne room which was repaired as soon as they woke up.]

Arcee: Fear not my queen, I'll find them, and when I do, their as good as dead.

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