T-he hardest part of keeping a secret is telling the truth

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The Hardest Part of Keeping a Secret is Telling the Truth


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"What are you going on about woman?" 

Could her stand ability be to see the souls of people who've died? Jotaro theorized.

It wasn't exactly a new concept to him- after all, he's fought against two stand users with the ability to manipulate souls before. But being able to steal souls didn't also mean that they saw souls outside of stands as well.

Though, considering the limitless capabilities of stands, being able to see wandering souls wasn't completely out of the question.

"S-So... that thing isn't the ghost of a dead person or an evil spirit?" The girl sputtered while drying up her tears. "Then, if it isn't a ghost, what is it-"

"Shut up so I can explain!" He roared.

She stopped talking.

Jotaro continued, "My stand is a physical manifestation of my fighting spirit. If you can see him, then you must have one too, even if you don't realize it."

At that, the girl began laughing quietly among the tears being shed. Slowly it built up until she started cackling like it was the funniest thing she's ever heard.

"A fighting spirit! You actually want me to believe that? Do I look like someone with a fighting spirit? Didn't you see the way I froze up when confronted? That's what I always do whenever danger approaches! I think that you're just a spirit medium trying to trick me or something. Because how could I have a spiri- 'stand' when I don't even know how to fight?"

Though she couldn't tell from the blank expression on his face, those were questions that even Jotaro couldn't answer. 

With her frail personality, he agreed that she shouldn't have the capacity to have a stand.

But how could he prove that if her stand wouldn't reveal itself?

Also, some of her words stood out to him. She called Star Platinum an 'evil spirit', just as he had when he first started to see Star. When that happened, his grandfather and Avdol were the ones that forcefully took him out of the holding cell and explained to him what Star actually was.


To dispel any remaining doubts and ensure that this girl wasn't just a good actor, Jotaro conducted one final test.

He took in a deep breath from his cigarette and blew an ashy breath right into her face.

"Too late, I already know that you have a stand. On the journey to Cairo, me and my allies discovered a sure fire way of telling a stand user from an average person. When they inhale the smoke of a cigarette, a vein pops up on their nose."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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