Fuck! She smells so good!

I feel aroused. The kiss get's intense and I bite her lower lip gently. She moans. I don't think, I ever heard any as sexy as that. My cock stood straight in my pants. I keep kissing her and she tries to follow my lead. She is like a delicate flower. Her shirt rides up and I caress her waist. Her skin is like silk. Everything about her pulls me in and I keep falling deeper and deeper.

"Oh, Angel! Do you know what you do to me?" It's a rhetorical question, but the answer is she has no fucking clue. Right at this moment, if someone tells me I have to cut my arm off for her, I would. That's how crazy I am for her!

I have to stop now or I will lose control. I pull away and stay on top of her. Her breathing is frantic and she is looking at me with that haze in her eyes. Fuck me!

"Oh don't look at me like that." I get off her. She gets up and adjusts her shirt. I shift to place my hand on cheek. Her cheeks are red from blushing and her lips are swollen. We did kiss longer than intended. She never initiated a kiss and the fact that she did sent me bonkers. "I can't even kiss you." At my words she looks at me puzzled and hurt.

"What? I..." She looks away trailing off not knowing what to say

"I can't even kiss you, because I can't control myself around you. I don't want to hurt you." My words finally get her to understand what I mean and she blushes again hiding her face in her hands. I chuckle. Fuck! I just want to throw her back on that couch and kiss the life out of her! Before she can respond, her phone beeps and it's from her father. It's on my side on the table. Picking it up I see that it's a text from Marcus. My eyes shift to hers and she is looking me in confusion as to what changed my mood so suddenly.

"Who is it?" She asks reaching for the phone. Pulling it out of her reach, I open the text.

I will be waiting for you tomorrow.

It read. Anger courses through my veins. What the fuck?! Why will he be waiting for her?!

"Why is Marcus still texting you?" I mean business. Her face morphs shock and she gasps trying to snatch he phone from me.

"It's not what you think." Why the fuck is she even talking to him?!

"What is it then?" I am barely able to control my anger. Just when I think, I am slowly going to have her to myself. She sighs and bites her lip. Oh Angel, don't! She looks at me from under her lashes not talking. This is not good. I look through the texts and she grabs my hand. I hold her down with my other hand

I have booked a table for you at the Ameli Hotel for breakfast. He sent that text an hour ago. She still hasn't seen it.

"Why is he booking you a table? Why are you meeting him tomorrow morning?" What the fuck is all this shit?! "Angel!" I press her name and she looks up at me. Don't tell me it's a date cause I will lose my shit right now!

"Papa wanted us to go out on a date." Her response did nothing but make me crazy. I get off the couch. I can't! I can't handle thing right now! I am here making food for her and she is going on a date with Marcus?! I know she wouldn't cheat on me, but what is this?! She quickly gets up and puts her hand on my back. "I wanted to tell you. I really did, but I was so happy you were here and..." She trails off.

It really is a good evening. A wonderful one in fact!

"I was going to tell him that I am not interested in him tomorrow. That's why I agreed to go." Her whisper makes me turn to her. She is looking at me guilt in her eyes. "I can't say not to Papa, but I can tell him. If he backs off, then Papa wouldn't ask me again."

The Possessive DukeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora