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Eric and the rest of the multiverse guys, follow Peter and his Aunt May into their apartment. In fascination Eric looks around the Condo, before walking past Max, who turns on the TV using his electricity and Sandman who sits down on the the couch, speading sand everywhere, to the window next to the kitchen table, where Norman is inspecting a robotic arm.

With big eyes he stares outside, while listening with half a ear to Octavius complaining. "So this is your plan, Peter? Mhmm? No lab facilities, just performing miracles in a condominium?" He looks around the room, before back to Peter. "What, you're gonna cook up some churros, some frozen burritos in a microwave?"

Norman looks up from the machine. "I could go for a burrito." He announces, catching Eric's attention, the younger man turns around, nodding agreeing. "Me too."

Eric looks over to Norman when he feels him now looking at him, giving him half a smile. The older one of the two replies with a nod and returning the smile. Maybe they're not too different Eric thinks, thinking about his Norman.

"He's gonna kill us all." Doc Ock announces, gaining Eric's attention. Peter sighs. "Well let's hope not." He pats Doc Ocks shoulder, pulling past him.

"You're first up, Doc." The man who has his own tentacle wrapped around him, turns around to keep his eyes on Peter. "What? Hey, I told you. I don't need fixing. I don't need fixing! Especially by a teenager using scraps from a bachelor's junk drawer."

Max slowly walks closer, shaking his head. "No, no, no, no. He's got something back there. I can feel it. Weird engery." Max walks past Octavius into the room Peter just entered. Norman and Eric share a small glance, before following the two. Aunt May behind them.

Upon entering the room, the four watch Peter pull a sheet of a unfamiliar machine. The boy pushes a button and it opens up, clashing into the wall behind it. "What the hell is that?" Max asks.

"It's a fabricator. It can analyse, design, construct basically anything." Peter explains to them.

"I thought that was the tanning bed Happy broke." May whispers from beside Eric. The young man looks down at her with furrowed brows. "You have a tanning bed in your condo?" May looks up at Eric noding her head, smiling awkwardly. Eric nods smiling. "That's cool."

Peter watches the conversation smiling. "Okay, so Dr. Osborn, are you ready?" Said man nods, walking over to Peter as he starts to push buttons and optimise stuff on the machine. May looks back up at Eric. "Do you still want that burrito?"

A bright smile shows on Eric's face as he nods, just now realising how hungry he really is. "Yes, please."

After serving a microwave burrito, May sits down opposite Eric at the dinner table, watching the boy curious. After taking a few bites, Eric realises the look that May has been throwing him, slowly gulping the bite, he puts the burrito down. "Everything alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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