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Once Jacob finally left Kevin's house (he had work), Kevin was immensely bored. He walked around for hours, sulking and bother Taeil. He couldn't wait for Monday, a personal first for Kevin. At around one in the afternoon, Kevin couldn't stand being in his house anymore.

"Eric, I'm literally begging you! Please come rescue me," Kevin whined, exaggerating.

"Kevin, I already told you. I have a date in like half an hour."

"Wow, Eric. What ever happened to bros before hoes??" Kevin sniffled.

"Juyeon isn't a- never mind. Sorry, I guess, but Juyeon is hotter than bros."

"How. Dare. You."

"Ooookay bye, Kev. I have to get ready." 

"erIC-" Kevin was interrupted as the line cut off. He groaned, falling back onto his bed. After he racked his brain for other people he could call. After about four minutes, Kevin finally came up with something, nearly falling off his bed in excitement. He knew exactly who to bribe. He bounced his legs around as he dialed the number.



"-wow, okay. Hey, Kev. Need something?"

"Please, please, please come hang out with me! I'll take you to that new coffee shop you wanted to go to. I'll even pay for you!"

"Jeez, how desperate are you? No need to try to buy my friendship, I would've said yes anyways. Can you come pick me up, though?"

"Haha, sorry...I'll be there in like ten minutes."

"Okay, cool. Bye!"


Kevin rushed to his closet, throwing on random articles of clothing. He nearly tripped as he stumbled out the front door, still pulling one shoe on. He ran to his car, stepping on the gas pedal and speeding to Changmin's house. He arrived in record time, only taking four minutes (who cares if maps said it would take nineteen? Not Kevin). He skipped up and rang the doorbell. He flung himself onto Changmin when he opened the door.

"Thank you!!! I was so bored," Kevin dragged, pulling Changmin to the car.

"Sure! I mean, I kinda wanted out, too."

Kevin pulled into the parking lot of the new cafe about eleven minutes later. Changmin's eyes lit up as he walked inside, not expecting it to be so...perfect.

"Yep, okay, this is my favorite place ever."

Kevin turned to look around, eyes suddenly focusing on something very familiar- rather, someone. Or two.

"I think it might be mine, too," he stated, speed walking up to the counter.

There were two boys behind the counter l, cleaning and making drinks. They both happened to be very familiar to Kevin. He cleared his throat, hoping to get their attention. It worked, as both boys looked up and spoke in unison.

"Kevin?" Kevin smiled a Big Goofy Grin™ as one of the boys groaned.

"Oh my God, no! My day is ruined, I was supposed to have a full day of no Kevin!" Jacob exclaimed, dragging his hands all over his face.

"Hey! I think I'm a very nice person to be around. Right, Chanhee?" Kevin defended, using his other friend behind the counter as a shield.

"Pfft, yeah right. You- oh my God is that Ji Changmin-"

"Oh, hey Jacob! Hi, Chanhee," Changmin gleefully greeted, happily bounding over to the counter. Chanhee turned completely pale (bruh as if he wasn't already).

"How do you know my name-?"

"Well, everyone knows your the prettiest senior in choir. Plus, there was that one time the chorus teacher forced me to sit in on your class and you had a tiny solo, so she said your name a lot..."


Chanhee stood completely still for a moment, until he abruptly spun around to make a drink. Changmin looked puzzled, but just shrugged.

"Anyways, what can I get you guys?"

"When do you get off?"

"Geez, Kevin, that was straight forward-"

"He gets off at three. Uh, so do I, in case anyone wanted to know.."

"Shut up, Chanhee!! And real smooth-"

"Oh shut up, Jacob!"

"You guys aren't very nice to-"

"Shut up, Changmin! Wait- shoot I didn't mean that-"

"Wooow, Chanhee. Way to be a bully."

"Kevin Moon, I swear to-"


"OH MY GOD, WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?!" Jacob whisper shouted, not wanting to disturb the calm customers. "Will you guys just be quiet? Yes, we both get off at three, if you want to stay here or come back then, that would be fine. Just, please, don't annoy the customers."

Kevin and Changmin were quick to nod in reply. Anyone could tell that Jacob would skewer their heads if they were even the slightest distraction to the shop's poor customers.

"Well, we'll wait 'til then. Oh, Changmin. Do you want anything? We might as well order if we're gonna be here a while."

"Sure! Hey, you offered to pay, right?"

"Ji Changmin, I thought you said-"

"Just because I said you didn't have to buy my friendship doesn't mean I don't want you to-"


I'm literally so sorry it's been over two months😭
Anyways, here you go :) <3

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