Justice, Not Vengance

Start from the beginning

"You'll just have to wait and see."

"How old are you now?"

"I'm 13."

Bruce grabbed you by the shoulder, steering you towards the summit.

The show went pretty smoothly too. The ambassadors all seem fairly impressed as the building began to drift off the sea and into the air.

You watched, smiling warmly, before everything went dark. The screen behind Bruce began to flash all different colors and patterns. You looked to Alfred with a confused look, only to see him on the ground, unconscious. You ducked under a table, trying to steady your breathing. The eerie warbling continued as the hypnotic patterns continued on the screen. You heard footsteps exiting the room, and left the table. You ran over to Alfred, shaking his body aggressively. When he didn't wake, you sighed, before ripping of your dress, throwing on your boots, and applying your mask.

You ran down a series of hallways, trying to track any sort of commotion. You heard voices, and took a sharp turn.

"We don't have time for this, Damian. Join us or die."

"Talia Al Ghul." You yelled, entering the room. "And here I thought it would be difficult to find you."

Talia turned behind her, seeing you.

"Kill the bitch first." She ordered.

Without a second thought, Bruce charged at you, fully costumed as the Batman.

You dodged a few of his attacks as Batwing, Batwoman, Nightwing, and Robin began to attack the henchmen.

"Get out of my way, Bruce!" You yelled, finally kicking him dead in the face. "Damian! Come get your dad so I can kill your mom!"

"Be my guest!" Damian yelled back, smirking while charging at the Bat, Nightwing by his side.

With Bruce distracted, you chased after Talia. She turned to you, a look of annoyance on her face.

You ran forward, swinging at her. Talia dodged and tried to shoot you, yet you caught her gun in one hand, and her hair in the other. You yanked her forward, slamming her head against yours, and then kicking her. Talia stumbled back, shooting at you again, but the bullet only grazed your arm.

"What did she ever do to you?!" You screamed, managing to get the advantage by knocking Talia's feet out from under her. "Get up!"

Talia tried to stand, but was far too slow for your liking. You swung your foot into her stomach, and she rolled away, finally managing to stand, she tried to shoot you again, but you dodged it all the same, grabbing her gun once again and slamming it into her face. She stumbled back, and you kicked her in the stomach. She fell again, and you began to kick her over and over again. When you stopped, Talia lay a gasping mess on the floor.

You grabbed her by her hair again, forcing her head up. "We both know you could have won that. You just underestimated the bitch, huh?" You let her head drop. "Get the fuck up."

She stood again, this time managing to hit you square in the nose. You felt blood trickle down your lip as you swung at her, blows raining down on her.

She hit the ground again.


Talia got up again, trying to fire at you once again, yet for you to take her down again. You grabbed her by her suit this time, her hands immediately going to your wrist.

"How is it you're so weak?!" You screamed. "You killed such beautiful, powerful people, yet you lose to a pathetic child!"

You began to punch her again, over and over and over again, till you couldn't feel your fist. You raised your fist once again, yet stopped short. You dropped her, and turned away, eyes wrenching shut.

𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 • Damian Wayne x Female Insert/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now