Chapter 14: A Song Written Easily

Start from the beginning

"Really?!" Snickered Hyo-Ryung.

"It's like half and half." Said Dae-Su. "Like half spicy, half fried... oh!" He stopped suddenly. "I want chicken." He grumbled.

"That's enough, Dae-Su." Said Hyo-Ryung.

Mi-Ra rolled her eyes and glanced up at the sky above Suhyeok's head. Food, Mi-Ra came to realise, they had none. The snacks Mi-Ra had in her bag were long eaten and the water was gone too but Mi-Ra didn't crave any human food even though she was sure she could still eat it.

"How can you think about food with zombies here?" Asked Ji-Min.

"Stop it. They aren't zombies." On-Jo said.

"Half-bies." Mumbled Dae-Su.

"Close enough." Ji-Min argued back.

"Let's not do this to ourselves. We're all we've got now." On-Jo said.

"She's right." Hyo-Ryung said. "The two are better than Na-Yeon."

At the mention of her name, Mi-Ra gripped the edges of her shirt tigher. Despite how much Mi-Ra hated Na-Yeon, she wondered if the girl was alive. Mi-Ra wasn't that much of a bad person and she did feel tiny bit guilty that Na-Yeon walked away but she couldn't bring herself to defend the girl. She would never defend Na-Yeon, she would not turn towards her friends and say that maybe they should forgive Na-Yeon and she would not think of Na-Yeon as a friend. Na-Yeon made her own decisions, leading her to where she got.

"Don't even say her name. She's subhuman." Ji-Min groaned. "Gyeong-Su almost died because of her and miss Park..."

"Honestly speaking," Gyeong-Su piped in. "If I see her now, I think I might let it slide."

Mi-Ra's eyes widened and she turned to look at the group, making Suhyeok and Nam-Ra even more confused.

"What?" Asked Mi-Ra.

The group turned to face her.

"What?" Repeated Joon-Yeong.

"You would forgive Na-Yeon?" Asked Mi-Ra, looking at Gyeong-Su.

"How- how did you hear that?" Gyeong-Su asked. "And I didn't say I'll forgive her, I just said I might let it slide. If she's human, then I guess it would be murder if I let her die?" He slowly said, uncertainly looking around the group.

Tap, tap.

Mi-Ra narrowed her eyes. Was that steps she heard? Mi-Ra wondered, looking behind Wu-Jin and then back at Gyeong-Su, shrugging it off as over highened hearing that she might be wrong.

"Well, I guess you are a better person than me." Mi-Ra said.

"Why?" Asked Suhyeok, joining in the conversation.

"I was thinking of her and thought that I wouldn't forgive her but Gyeong-Su, the one that was actually the victim, said he might let it slide." Explained Mi-Ra and then smiled at Gyeong-Su. "I don't want her dead, or as a zombie but if we stumble upon her, I hope you actually let it slide because I won't."

Gyeong-Su sent her a smile back and nodded. "I can't say that I don't hate her." He began. "I despise her so much, I hate her from the bottom of my heart but I don't think I can cause someone to die on purpose."

"Once again, you are better than me and Na-Yeon." Mi-Ra laughed and turned to face the windows once again.

Mi-Ra tuned out the conversation the group had and focused her attention on the white clouds lingering behind Suhyeok. She kept hearing breathing and walking inside the storage room so she assumed there must be a zombie stuck there even though it was suspicious, she could care less. Mi-Ra had been wondering for the past minutes how to tell Nam-Ra about their parents. She couldn't just hide it even though it was obvious they didn't survive even before Mi-Ra saw the texts and it wouldn't be fair for Nam-Ra to not know.

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