Driving Back

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[ POV of Pradyumna, son of Krishna]

''Hey Are YOU confused by all this....this....?'' He brandished his bow at the clattering carnage around us, gnashing teeth like a crocodile, ''Have YOU really lost the plot? Can't tell who is who, huh, maybe shell-shocked!!??''

I doubt if anyone looking at this intense scene can read us for who we really are. Sometimes I feel like that imaginary on-looker.

He thundered on a bit, but I kept a steady white-knuckle grip on the reins of our pedigree war-steeds.

'If my father could see me like this...he would ...!!!!' He shook his head, anguish and rage in full flood.

'If my father could see me like this...he would...!!!' my voice not a retort, echoed my mind, clear as a sun-beam.

Our makara pennant snapping its jaws, as if eager to devour the wind and swallow the enemy.

He was right.

I was right.

You might say we mirrored each other: righteous young men driven by nature and nurture.

There was nothing left but to return to the centre of the inferno, to fight fire with fire.

We are about to





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