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[POV of Daruki, charioteer of Pradyumna,son of Krishna]

Hell spewed from the heavens that day, searing the earth beneath hooves and heels, man and beast scorched with fear and rage.

Blinding flashes everywhere but that day, that hour my sight seemed at its sharpest and my hands steady — steering clear of exploding missiles from all directions.

Deadlier are the almost silent ones - but my earrings are sensors designed to pick up the subtlest of vibrations.

That day, that hour... but that second - too late this time eyes froze as I heard the thud, turning to see him slump in his seat, white as a dying swan.

In slow-motion in a sun-forsaken world.

Blanking my mind to the crows of derision from the demons against dharma, and the cries of dismay from our own, I swerved sharply around and away from the battlefield.

The car screeched to a halt, sparked wheels spinning in the blood-soaked soil.

The cold in his voice cut through me sharper than any blade between my shoulder-blades.

'Do you take me for a coward? Can you not see that my armour is honour, my swadharma as a warrior, to protect with my life my people?  I would rather die fighting than fleeing like a weakling!!! Oh Sutaputra it is not your place to decide my course of action - so obey me - NOW!' He was upright now, cocky as ever, bow in hand.

Sweet as ever.

I kept a stiff upper lip and replied: Indeed I am a sutaputra and proud of my swadharma, and let me tell you why...

to be contd.

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