Oh, baby!

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Janet Jackson

I stood at the island in the kitchen of my apartment and scrolled through my phone. I jumped slightly at the feeling of my wife's warm hands against my waist. Her body against mines was always the highlight of my day. I turned towards her and smiled warmly, I missed her so much that my heart melted at the sight of her.

My wife had been away on tour for quite some time and our schedules never coincided with one another. She had been gone for two weeks and to say that I missed her was an understatement. I couldn't even speak when I saw her, I just crashed my lips into hers and my heart felt like it was going to explode.

She pulled me closer and if I could've been any closer, I would've. This was comfort for me. Her warm soft hands against my skin was everything to me. If it were up to me, she'd never leave my sight again. We'd go everywhere together, that's how we were when we had time in our schedules. That's how I want it now.

We finally pulled away and the smile on her face brought nothing but joy to my heart. We stared at each other for a moment until I finally spoke.

"Hi." I said breathlessly.

"Hi, my love. I've missed you so much." Her words made my heart burst.

"I've missed you so much more. How's the tour going?"

"It's going well, how's rehearsal, hm?"

"It's going amazing. I think it's time we go to our bedroom, though."

I grabbed her hand and led the pathway to our bedroom. Soon I'd be at peace.

Teyana Taylor

I walked backstage of the strip club I worked at and began to get undressed, picking out the outfit I was to wear for tonight. My body was a little tired from rehearsals but hey! I have to do what I have to do.

Maybe a little over an hour, I went out on stage to dance, not a whole routine or anything just a little ass popping. I spun around the pole and to be honest, the pole dancing was starting to grow on me. I actually enjoyed it a bit because it made me feel sexy and who doesn't like to feel sexy?

I smiled at the men that made it rain with the beautiful fifties and hundreds that was going to pay my rent. I simply loved the feeling of money brushing against my skin because it meant I could spend it.

While dancing, one of my colleagues came over to me and whispered in my ear.

"They're here. Room two."

I smiled at the thought of my favorite client. I had picked up my money and walked off the stage quickly. One thing I knew about my client, they didn't like to wait so I ran my ass to the back. I placed my money into my locker and touched up my makeup a bit. I was ready for this. I made my way to the assigned private room and stopped at the door.

Let me tell you, if you could afford a private room, you were a baller and that's exactly what she was. My favorite client runs around the streets of New York under the name of Kehlani Parrish. Kehlani is the baddest woman to ever step foot on this earth. She's a millionaire and to say she was a real woman was an understatement.

She was a regular and to say we had a thing was also an understatement. I figured she had a thing for me when she started coming more than twice a week.

I walked inside and saw two other women trying to dance for my client. I laughed quietly as I watched her staring at them unamused. I clapped my hands once I saw that she was about to put her money away.

"Alright, get the fuck out! This one's mines."

It was obvious they had an attitude because while they were leaving, their eyes rolled to the back of their heads. I chuckled as I smiled at Kehlani.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 15 ⏰

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