Chapter 16- Betrayal and Revelations

Start from the beginning

Yeah, Lumine wasn't the only one feeling betrayed.

Zhongli POV

Oh no. What was Xiao doing here? He knew that the young boy had recognised him, he could see it in his face. "You- You're still alive, my lord! But then, that Exuvia, everything.... I don't understand." He whispered. Zhongli closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Forgive me, Xiao. It was what needed to be done. It was all necessary for my plan to work. Please hear me out." He crossed his arms and said, "I am listening."


".... and so, it all turned out like I had planned. Once again, I am sorry that I kept you from this information, but it was necessary." Until now, he had been listening quietly. Now, he uncrossed his arms and said, "I still feel betrayed. But I understand." He sighed in relief. 'Thank God'

Now he stared at Xiao curiously, and asked, "But, my boy, is there a reason you sought me out?" Xiao nodded, guilt evident in his eyes. "Yes. Do you know Lumine, my lo- Zhongli?" The brunette nodded. "Certainly. Why?" "She found out." Xiao said ominously. "Found what out?" he asked, confused.


For some seconds or so, Zhongli just stared at him, shocked. Finally, he said, "How?" "I don't know." Xiao admitted. "I just know that she had been staying at Wangshu Inn, she used to help me out with clearing the monsters at night, which actually helped me out a way lot. So anyways, she had disappeared from the Inn for two days, and before that, we had been traveling around with someone called Dainsleif, who was searching for an Abyss Herald."

He recoiled. "Dainsleif?!" He was back? "Um, yes m- Zhongli. Well, Lumine had been commissioned to recruit him, and I was basically making sure he was trustworthy. And then, when we returned from the trip, the next day, Lumine went somewhere in the morning and didn't return for two days." 

"What happened then?" "Well, when I saw her today, she looked angry and upset, and when she saw me, first thing she did was question me if I knew about Khanreia'ah. I tried to play dumb, but I guess my expression must have given me away. She said that the only people she actually trusted in this world were you, and Venti, who then went and betrayed her." "And me too." Xiao added in a quieter tone. "Who is Venti anyway?"

Zhongli told him, "He is Barbatos in disguise, much like I am here in disguise." "I see." He murmured. "Well, she said that our friendship was beyond repair. I... never knew she saw me as a friend. I tried to explain, but she didn't listen." "Understandably so, we all have kept a very large secret from her. I suspect this may have upset her so much, as this may potentially concern her brother." He stood up firmly. "We both will seek her out, and tell her our part of the story  ourselves. " With that, as the sun rose steadily in the sky, they walked out of Liyue Harbor, until they reached a secluded place where they teleported to Wangshu Inn.

Lumine POV

The night had been full of nightmares for her. She was unable to get even a wink of sleep, all the revelations Dain had told her, and confirmations from Xiao whirling in her mind. 'Dont think about him.' She told herself as the hurt from previous night resurfaced.

Well, it was morning and time to meet Dain again. Before Paimon woke up, she made herself suitably presentable, such that no one would guess that something was off. Then she woke up the pixie and bought themselves a small breakfast as they discussed their plans. "We had decided to meet Dain near Luhua Pool." she told Paimon, who nodded absentmindedly, gobbling down her food as fast as possible. It brought a teeny- tiny smile on her face. On the way out, they waved to Verr Goldet saying, "Byee, we'll be around Luhua Pool if you need anything!" She smiled and nodded.

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