Chapter 2: Capture

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One Month Later

(Superman's friend, Lex Luthor is revealed to have survived the destruction on Metropolis by hiding in a bunker. We see Batman talking to someone.)

???: You were right. It's Luthor. He's alive.

Batman: If anyone could survive that, it would be him. How?

???: He had a speedster on the payroll. Not someone on Flash's level but still very fast. This speedster had one job. Get Luthor to his bunker in an event like this.

Batman: What happened to this speedster?

Batman: What happened to this speedster?

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Days Later

(We see Y/N, as Agent Venom, waiting in a building.)

Agent Venom: [whistling]

Delirium: Are you whistling?

Agent Venom: Yeah. I've got to pass the time somehow until Batman gives the go ahead.

Delirium: What do you think of the team?

Agent Venom: Well, they all seem all right so far. If I'm being honest, it's pretty exciting to be working with actual superheroes.

Delirium: I bet. You have dreamt of this for quite some time now.

Agent Venom: That I have, Delirium. That I have. Though, I don't think Huntress likes me much.

Delirium: And why is that?

Agent Venom: I don't know. Maybe I just rub her the wrong way somehow?

Delirium: I'm sure she'll come around.

Agent Venom: I wish I had your confidence.

(As Y/N's waiting, Hawkgirl flies in & scoops up a dictator from his car. Pan over to Catwoman & Batman.)

Batman: You were right.

???: Yes.

Catwoman: This is it. Are you ready?

Batman: Go.

(Captain Atom flies in behind Hawkgirl & takes the dictator from her.)

Hawkgirl: What--?

(Cut to Y/N shooting to two webs at the sides of the window in front of him.)

Agent Venom: [straining]

Delirium: Slingshot?

Agent Venom: [straining] That's...the idea.


(Y/N slingshots himself & is headed straight for Hawkgirl.)


(Once he's close enough; he punches her across the jaw.)

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