Control your bloodlust

Start from the beginning

"See anything that catches your eye, madam?" The jeweler asked her, Nellie smiled at the jeweler but shook her head and walked away. Sweeney should be awake by now, he's probably wondering where she's at but luckily she left a note to let him know where she went. She already knew Toby was up. He was an early bird like her but Nellie woke up a bit earlier to get to the market knowing that it'll be less crowded. She just hope Sweeney won't panic thinking that someone might have kidnapped her if she was gone too long, or be grumpy that she didn't make him breakfast and instead only left out two pieces toast.

She was about to reach where Fleet Street was until she heard someone call out her name. "Eleanor, is that you?" Nellie turned her head to the voice and was filled with shock but also happiness. A tall thin man with short light hair and green eyes with a smashing navy suit was walking towards her, Nellie immediately rushed towards him. "Alexander!" She called out, dropping the bags that contained the flour and bottles of gin to embrace the proper man in front of her.

"What brings you here?" She asked him once they let go of the embrace. Alexander Williams was an old friend of Nellie's. She first lived in Oxford which was where she grew up and that was where she met him. He was quite mischievous when he was younger, he would always get into trouble and Nellie always stood up for him. He was also the reason why she never became a proper lady; being around him made her rebellious and she will admit she had a small crush on him. But at the age of 17, her mother set up an arrange marriage which of course was Albert and she couldn't have time to say goodbye to her friend when she moved to London with her husband. Till this day she still feels awful leaving him without saying a word.

"Well, time has passed between us, but I can't stay for long. I'm a lawyer now and I've only come here because there have been a few crimes going on" Alex answered, Nellie's smile turned to a frown. "What kind of crimes?" She asked him, becoming very nervous. Will the law find out about her and Todd's crime? She hope it will never come true knowing that if it did, Sweeney and herself will be hung.

"There have been reports of people going missing, mainly men, and I volunteered to help," Nellie's hands starting to become clammy, her worst fears were about to come true, she'll also need to have a word with Sweeney about controlling his bloodlust. "You haven't gotten to know anything about it, have you Nellie?" Alex interrupted her, Nellie immediately shook her head, "no, I've heard nothing about it" she answered as calmly as she could, trying to ease her nerves.

Alex let out a sigh, "well let's just hope we'll find the crook causing all these disappearances and they'll sure be hanged for it" he spoke in a bitter tone. Nellie's heart was thumping loudly, she needed to warn Sweeney about this.

"Well it was nice talking to you Alex but I must get going, I need to open up my shop soon" Nellie tried to change the subject, but to also leave to tell her lover the news. "You have a pie shop? You never told me about that, you wouldn't mind if I stopped by later on would you, maybe have lunch together in there?" Alex ushered, Nellie only nodded, only paying half attention to what he was saying and rushed off, quickly picking up the bags of flour and gin and a quick "goodbye" to Alex.

Her mind was racing with fear and worry. How will Sweeney react? And will he finally try to control his thirst for blood? Nellie was honestly starting to get tired of serving human flesh. It made her sick to her stomach, not to mention all the hard work she has to do just to make a bloody meat pie. Then again it was her idea and she blames herself for thinking such a thing, such a horrid thing to think of. Though luckily she now has the money to buy real meat, so hopefully Sweeney will reason with her.


Sweeney had already finished his third customer, he sat on his chair sharpening his razor trying to distract himself. It felt like it had been hours and Nellie still hasn't returned, it's almost noon and Sweeney couldn't help but worry. Where was she? Hopefully no one kidnapped her. But at the same time he tried to keep himself at ease, that he could trust Nellie being on her own for a long time.

He continued to wait. He hated waiting, he was never a patient man. "All good things come to those who can wait" he heard her voice ring in his ear. Sometimes he hated how she was right, but the thought that someone might have abducted her still kept him weary. "Where is that bloody woman?!" He pondered, sharpening his razor aggressively to where he nearly cuts himself. He's been so caught up in his mind, he doesn't even notice the door open.

"Sweeney! There you are!" Nellie rushes towards him, Sweeney finally awakes from his daze and sees the baker running towards him. He was a bit confused as to why she seemed like she was in a rush. "Pet?" He asks, "you've been gone for awhile".

Nellie takes a couple of deep breaths, she has been running to get away from Alex and to tell Sweeney immediately of what Alex told her. "Sweeney... I need to tell you something" she says through deep breaths. Sweeney furrows his brows in confusion but listens closely.

Nellie sighed now that she caught her breath, praying that Sweeney won't get mad. "Today when I went out to the market, I bumped into an old friend who is now a lawyer..." Sweeney continue to stare at her, "go on".

"He told me that he's in the investigation of men disappearing... and once he finds that person, they will be hanged" she finished, wanting to cry. Seeing the image of Sweeney's neck wrapped tightly by a noose and raised up, his feet dangling and his face turned blue. It terrified her.

"And what makes you think it could be us?" Sweeney asked, "could be anyone, a lot of bad things happen here". Nellie took in a deep breath and nodded, he could be right, her paranoia was taking over her and she was probably just overreacting. For once Sweeney was becoming the voice of reasons.

"There's another thing I need to tell you, love" Nellie answered again, "I want you to control that bloodlust of yours. If the law starts seeing more people going missing they might track em here, and I don't know what to do if they ever show up. What will we tell them? Please tell me you'll stop killing, I'm scared!" She became hysterical, fighting the tears wanting to pour down.

Suddenly, she felt strong arms wrap around her shaken body, "don't cry" Sweeney whispered, he hated seeing her this way, she was rarely the type to have a near breakdown, let alone cry. He could feel his shoulder being drenched in her tears as she rested her head on his shoulder and wept.

"I'll try my best" he assured her, Nellie lift her head up to look at him. Her makeup smudged due to her crying. "I don't want to lose you..." she rasped, a lump formed in her throat, she loved him more than anything and she hope Sweeney will keep his promise.

Sweeney kissed her forehead lightly, "I have a plan if the law does suspect us" he said, Nellie felt relieved but wondered how long he's been planning it. "We'll run away. Maybe your dream to live by the sea will come true," he continued. Nellie couldn't help but feel happy but she immediately made a frown. "Won't we become fugitives? Runaways? Always hiding from the law?" Nellie queried nervously. Sweeney gave a hesitant nod, "if that's the risk we shall take". Nellie let out a loud sigh, "please control yourself" she pleaded.

"I'll do my best" he muttered.

Nellie let go of Sweeney and headed for the door, but before she opened it she remembered Alex wanting to come over for lunch. The fool she was for saying yes knowing that Sweeney would throw a tantrum after what she told him right now.

"Another thing, dear" she called to him, "that man I was talking about will be here at around noon" she immediately shut the door before Sweeney let out a word, but she swore she heard him yell "what?!" And immediately rushed down the stairs to her pie shop.


Sorry this was a short chapter, hopefully the next one will be longer!

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