Sick Day (fluff)

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This was requested by ThatEnbyDevil 's unnamed friend! Hello Muffin's friend! I bring Hex!

sick day here we go heck yeah

also I got this request just yesterday so I am cool now for doing it so fast >:D

*pretends like I don't have like two requests I need to do I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN I SWEAR I'M SORRY-*

No warnings that I can think of! Just Xay being a lil' sick :D

WC: ~1000


"I hate this place," Xay muttered, arms crossed to try and keep himself warm.

"Yeah yeah," Hels grumbled. "The faster we get this sand, the faster we can leave."

"This wouldn't be so bad," Xay spat. "If this sand wasn't right next to a Void-forsaken snow biome-" he gestured to the nearby frozen spruce forest which had, somehow, generated right beside the desert their portal had spawned in.

"Oh, shut up," Hels sighed, opening up a shulker box to check how much they'd gathered so far. He then glanced between the box and Xay, gears turning in his head.

"Aren't you from the End?" Hels asked. "Specifically, the Void? Shouldn't you be fine with the cold?"

"Yes and no," Xay replied. "The Void is cold because it's not warm. It's just empty. This, however, is blazing friGID-" Hels snickered.

"I'd have to agree," he admitted. "Although... I've never really touched snow before."

"It's not fun," Xay warned him with a glare. "It's cold and wet and overall not worth the hype." Hels snorted out a laugh.

"Still," he persisted. "Come on, I want to see it."

"You're the worst," Xay groaned. "We both know dang well you couldn't care less and are just asking to bother me."

"Maybe," Hels hummed before making his way down to the place where the desert and snowy biome blended together. Hels scooped up a fair amount of snow, visibly shivering as the cold hit.

"See, it sucks," Xay scoffed. "Can we get out of here?"

"Mmm, it's not that bad," Hels's tone only spelled out trouble. "I think you need to... re-experience it."

And with that, Hels seized the back of the shirt Xay wore under his armor and poured the snow down.

"Hels!!" Xay shrieked, jumping as Hels cackled beside him. "That's- ow- that's so cold- I WILL KILL YOU-" Hels was too busy laughing to pay mind to his threats.

Xay shook the snow out of his shirt , shivering. He sneezed, which only caused Hels to laugh harder.

"That's your sneeze??" Hels cried. "You sound like a six year old girl!!"

"Shut up!!" Xay huffed. "Come on, let's just leave."

Hels complied, though it was pretty obvious that he still found it all hilarious.

As the day went on, Xay continued to sneeze and sniffle, and Hels's reaction slowly faded from amusement to mild concern.

But, ever stubborn, words like "I'm fine," and "I am not sick," floated through the air. Hels didn't buy it, though.

His suspicions were confirmed after the shift passed, when Xay woke up.

Hels blinked his eyes open only to feel a fever-hot warmth pressed against him. He rubbed his eyes to see Xay, melted into the blankets, shuddering.

Blazes, Hels thought. It was just some snow-

"Xay," Hels whispered. "Hey."

"Hnngh," came the almost drunken response. "Who's that?"

"Hels," he replied. "You good?"

"Mhm," Xay assured him in the least reassuring voice ever. "Just have work I need to get done."

Just as the words left his mouth, he had a mad sneezing fit, which made Hels make up his mind about where Xay'd be spending his day.

"Nope," Hels hummed. "You're going to stay here and rest. I'll keep you company, don't worry."

"You're gonna get sick!" Xay protested.

"Also nope," Hels responded evenly. "My immune system only really reacts to certain viruses. The one you got is Overworld-spawned, so it'll just 'burn up' for me."

Xay huffed out a sigh of annoyance, but it was pretty clear he didn't mind.

"Fine," he grumbled.

That was how Xay had drifted back off to sleep, warm and content in his boyfriend's arms. Soft blankets and gentle kisses lined the edges of his light slumber, a smile gracing his face. Being sick came with a perpetual exhaustion, and Hels was just there to give him someone to cuddle with.

"Who knew you're so clingy when you get sick?" Hels snickered. Xay glared at him, but otherwise didn't move.

"'M just tired," he muttered. "Don't get used to it."

"I dunno," Hels teased. "It's pretty cute."

Xay chose to blame his flushed face on the illness, not because Hels called him cute or anything like that.

"Yeah, well- shut up," he grumbled. "Ugh, I'm so hot-"

"Take off your shirt, then," Hels teased.

"You wish," Xay replied, rolling his eyes.

"Dang right,"

Xay sighed and shrugged off the blankets, opting to just lie on the Nether brick floor as if he was going to die.

"You're so dumb," Hels snickered, placing a hand on Xay's chest, watching as his boyfriend's breath hitched. They stayed like that for a moment before Hels suddenly stood up.

"Stay here," Hels said. "I'm gonna get you something to eat."

"My hero," Xay said dryly. "What a noble knight."

Hels simply blew him a kiss from the doorway before leaving.

It's the fever, Xay told himself firmly as he buried his face in the blankets to hide his blush.

Fever. Yeah right.

A glass of water and a bowl of soup later, Xay found himself nestled up against Hels once again, taking in the moment.

"I should pour snow down your shirt more often," Hels remarked. Xay scoffed.

"Don't even think about it," he warned.

"Watch me," Hels joked. He ran a hand through Xay's hair, chuckling as the sick Voidwalker leaned into the touch, sighing with content.

"...Thanks," Xay finally muttered. "For making this slightly more bearable."

"It's what I'm here for," Hels hummed. "That, and to get you sick in the first place." Xay's eyes crinkled into a smile, a hand on the back of Hels's neck pulling him in for a quick kiss.

"God, you're burning," Hels laughed. Xay grinned.

"You just realized?" he chuckled.

"Nah," Hels hummed. "You've always been pretty hot."

Realization seeped in along with the red on his face.


not gonna lie as I'm writing this I'm burning up behind my eyes and I have a headache and mild nausea LMAO

I thiiiiiiink it's time to go to bed

good frickin night.


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