Breaking Down

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Rivet's P.O.V

It was evening when I approuched bolts shortly after Ratchet had gone to bed and found him and Kit chatting about their concern for Ratchet. In a way it was somewhat touching that bolts cared so much for his partner and despite Kit not being with Ratchet long she seemed to have gained a liking to Ratchet in a protective friend way too though she was protective of both of us. When the two spotted me they made a space for me to sit as well and that was when I relized they had been working on a list of Ratchet's normal behavior and a list with his current behavior.

The lists were both long but the current behavior chart was longer and some of the things listed on it were: upset, less energetic, spaced out at times, sad, feeling guilty. Seeing these on the list made me relize Ratchet was depressed and blaming himself for what happened despite it being this dimension's Nefarious not my dimension's Nefarious who caused it to happen in the first place.

After snatching the Dimentionater during a festival that was made to celebrate Ratchet. This dimension's Nefarious in my opinion was really bad at what he does though being constantly under threat of my Nefarious who was taller, meaner and stronger then his counterpart probably didn't help. By the end of the battle I could tell that Ratchet's Nefarious was getting fed up with how he was treated by his counterpart which in a way was hilarious that he was getting annoyed with his alternate self and got his revenge by sending my Nefarious to the octupus as food.

I honestly think this Nefarious could of been a good guy if he hadn't of been treated so bad but, it didn't excuse him from what he has done and judging by Ratchet's comment on the battle field saying that he has fought his nefarious several times and yet he keeps coming back for more despite knowing the possible outcome before it even happened. This Nefarious should just stop fighting and take up his desire to make novelas and plays instead of constant battling. Ratchet is definetly showing how beat up his body had gotten over time and just wanted to retire but, things keep making him push off retirement as there are constant threats.

Ratchet deserves to retire and settle down though with me and him it will likely only be friendship as im pretty sure we're the same person but, our stories don't quite match up. We were both sent away to avoid the attack from our parents though for me I had no clue who my parents were however Ratchet knows what happened to his parents from someone he had met that knew them personally.

(A/N: major spoilers to the final battle in crack in time ahead)

Clank's P.O.V:

"Rivet you can sit with us and maybe we can all write what we've noticed about Ratchet's behavior also Ms. Rivet if you want to find out who Ratchet met a few years back we may want to talk about it now while Ratchet is sleeping. Just meantioning the person's name seems to upset Ratchet. The one Ratchet met years ago was General Alister Azimuth he was part of the guard Ratchet's father was a part of and his close friend.

Ratchet's father is Kaden though we have only found audio logs and the General's pocket watch which ratchet keeps on him at all times. the picture in that watch is the only picture Ratchet has of his father and Alister. I got to meet him breifly however after I meantioned that the General couldn't use the great clock which is my actual home to bring back the lombaxes and Ratchet's deceased Parents from Percival Tachyon's attack due to a mistake he had made caused the general to get furious."

"Ratchet doesn't know this and I beg you not to tell him either but, Alister out of blind rage had sent an eletric beam that had stopped Ratchet's heart in seconds and actually killed him. I had saw him plummet into space from the Great Clock and Alister tried killing me too however I dodged just in time to avoid it. In order to save my companion I rewound time by six minutes which had reset that particular bit of time and I was able to push Ratchet out of the way.

The damage from the bolt however didn't fully disappear so Ratchet has a lightning scar right over where his heart is. Ratchet had stared stunned that someone he had saved from a holding cell in Vorsalon's ship would try murdering him shortly after. Ratchet's attachment to Alister was genuine as he had found out more information on how the attack had come about on the lombaxes and Alister was the one that had taught him how to hoverboot.

Im pretty sure though hard to believe Alister did care for Ratchet but, his guilt had gotten in the way of that. Instead of seeing Ratchet as an individual he had compared Ratchet to his father. He had critqued Ratchet's performance and compared it to Kaden's abilities constantly and complimences were far in between.

Alister was an old soul and was stuck in the past instead of looking into the future. He had turned on the time switch to reverse time but, it nearly destroyed the universe as the Clock was only created to keep time not reset it and ratchet had to battle him. Alister wasn't listening to reason.

the long and short of Alister's final moments was him pushing Ratchet out of the way as Ratchet had climbed up onto the podium to get the switch back into the present time position but, the handle had snapped and Ratchet was forced off the switch as a huge bolt of more lighting had shot out of the podium causing the clock to start shattering into peices.

Relizing his mistake Alister had climbed up seconds later and that was when we both realized he was planning to sacrifice himself to save the great clock and ultimately the universe as he had shoved his own wrench into the podium spot and used it as a makeshift lever. He had succeeded in getting it back in place however it costed him his life..

His last words to Ratchet before his final moment was "Take care of yourself Ratchet!" and that was it. He died right after. Thats why Ratchet seems to feel guilty about his death. The one other lombax he finds that had actually been around his father had sacrificed himself to save the universe."

3rd Person P.O.V

After Clank had finished telling them about why Ratchet felt guilty despite it not being his fault for the general's death had brought rivet to tears and Kit was showing sadness. Clank himself seemed shaken up as well and despite not having tear ducts his eyes had dimmed in sadness as well.

They all looked to the direction of Ratchet's room before Rivet got up to go check on him. She knew Ratchet had been suffering nightmares and hadn't gotten a full nights sleep in several days and she knew how to try helping out those suffering nightmares relax and get proper sleep. she usually sang a lullaby that Mort had sung to her as a kit and it seemed to have a universal effect.

Rivet had put her ear to the door and her heart instantly sank into sadness. On the other side Ratchet could be heard sniffling indicating he had been crying and gently pushed the door open. When she looked into the room Ratchet was curled into a ball with his tail up by his nose and his hand was out of his glove and was petting at the fuzz on the end of it. I've never seen his vunerable side and now that I have without even speaking to him I could tell just how much he was dealing with internally. I know he was suffering and this just proved despite his facade of Mr. not afraid of anything he was just as vunerable as the rest of us and needed someone he could confide in.

If he was willing he could confide in me and get stuff off his chest without worrying about me blabbing unless he asked me to do so. I had moved forward and within seconds he had enveloped me in a hug and fully broke down when I hugged him back. Without relizing it tears had started going down my cheeks as well as I held him close.

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