Divergent Au - Shidge.

Start from the beginning

"Congrats, you made it" A voice spoke from her left and she felt someone slide down against the wall, sitting beside her.

"Is it me or are they trying to kill us?" Katie wheezed out as she opened her eyes, still red in the face and struggling to breath a little but was alive enough to add slight humour to her tone. 

"Nah, I'm rather certain they are trying to kill us" The man beside her answered with a smug smirk as she snorted over his response. 

Katie glanced to him, taking notice over him wearing worn and old looking Dauntless clothes. Black jeans and black polo top but a red and white leather jacket with a golden stripe. His boots where black and red, his clothing stating he was a Dauntless born kid. He was slightly taller than her by a few inches and held a rather toned body, showing he was using to working out unlike her. Pale skin that almost seemed sickly but brought out his dark eyes and his pure black, silky hair in the form of an old fashion mullet. 

"Katie" Katie introduced herself with a grin, holding her hand out. 

"Keith" Keith, the strange man beside her, introduced himself with a small smirk and shook her hand with his black leather, fingerless gloved hands, using both to shake her single one offered to him. 

"A pleasure to meet you. At least now one person know what name to place on my brave as I drop dread from drowning in my own sweat" Katie smiled, letting her hands drop back into her dress skirt as Keith rested back and sloughing a little beside her. 

"Yeah, these Dauntless brats are truly wild and hold a death wish. I thought I was bad but now, I'm thinking I've been rather sane" Keith groaned out, knowing he'd be feeling all of his body parts in the morning thanks to the unexpected rush work out. 

"You aren't one?" Katie asked a little surprised, assuming he was by his clothing. Katie herself was on the short side with a slim but curvy body. She wasn't flat chested thanks to late puberty hitting her last year and filling her out in all the right places. She had fair skin with adorable freckles dotted across her cheeks and nose, a pair of round and nerdy looking glasses pushed up her nose. She had long, pretty hazel hair that ended at her lower back and was left with a lilac hair back keeping her face out of her face, didn't work much against a train in the end. Big and gorgeous golden eyes with a warrior flame lit within them and pure intelligence.    

"I was born into factionless. My father was Amity while my mom was Dauntless it seems. But apparently my mom was kicked out and became factionless and well, she met my Dad when he was on a supply run. He thought she was still in a fraction and she never said she wasn't. They fell in love, talking on his supply runs and well, became a secret couple. Mom ended up having me and at some point, dropped me off to my father before disappearing, assuming starved to death on the streets somewhere. Father took well care of me but there was a fire during a supply run he took me on with him, a train had crashed along the Amity tracks and he died. I survived but no one came to collect me .. left me to be factionless" Keith mumbled back with his life story as he wasn't completely ashamed over his past and knew he could trust his newly gained friend beside him. Plus, being a year older than everyone else had it's perks since he's been working to join Dauntless for years at this point and must have held a head start on training by now. 

"And due to the law stating everyone must take the test, those born in factionless can take a test with the other fraction children every five years. My parents were trying to gain a new law so every factionless that turned twenty one would take the test like everyone else their age instead of having to wait until the special five year gap happened. It stopped them joining up older than those around them and making them seem the odd ones out"  Katie frowned as she held her chin, thinking over it all and knowing it wasn't fair on those born in the factionless to be suffering like they were when it came to their chance of taking a test to chose a new fraction once they were twenty one. But instead, once the mark of five years of normal testing has happened, they allow one test to hold all the factionless children to take the test and chose. Leaving them to always be older than any other twenty one year old around them, unless they were lucky enough to turn the same age that year.  Her parents had been fighting to make it fairer for them but two fractions kept arguing against it. 

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