Divergent Au - Shidge.

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Katie was making a horrible mistake. 

She knew she had made many bad choices in her life but currently standing underneath the train track bridge as all the other chosen Dauntless members start climbing up the metal pillars without a second thought and hurrying to the tracks. 

Gulping a little as she was never good at sports, she wondering how she ever thought was a Dauntless was ever a good pick for her, and knew she was going to die. 

Shaking her head to be rid of all her ill and scary thoughts, she patted down her violet dress and soon started climbing up. Being one of the last to actually get climbing but she felt much calmer knowing someone wasn't going to look up her dress as they climbed below her. She knew she'd have to get out of her comfort zone but she still hated the thought of showing her body or underwear to mere strangers so soon. 

Her grey cardigan sleeves were pulled over her hands, making her grip worse but stopping the old, rusty and sharp metal from digging into her hands and cutting them while she climbed and jumped up.

Making good time for it being her first time ever and standing a little away from the edge once she was the top. Glancing down to the members dressed in blacks and reds that showed they were born in the Dauntless fraction and knew what they were doing. She knew she'd just have to follow them along and copy what they do to reach her new fraction.  

But than she heard the train horn from behind and turned to find it steaming towards them with great speed. Stepping back, close to the edge and hoping the force of air won't shove her over completely. Glancing back to the Dauntless young adults and finding them to be cheering and whooping like a bunch of dunks while they started running along the sides of the tracks. 

Dread filled her as she had a really bad feeling over what was heading her way next and soon got running after them. Silently praying to wrong in her life over this next stage of her life. The smoke blinding her as the front of the train whipped past and as she coughed up her insides, the first lot of Dauntless born adults were grabbing train handles on the outside and sliding the train doors open. 

Orders for everyone to run along and hop in if they wanted to reach their new fraction in time to be welcomed and accepted. Katie wasn't the best runner, she hated any form of exercise that wasn't throwing things in annoyance when she couldn't figure a problem out. 

But she still ran, she won't allow herself to become frictionless so early on in the next stage of her life. Her parents were proud over her, no matter what she would have chosen and she knew her brother was silently praying for her happiness as he worked. 

She couldn't let their good will and kindness down by giving up so soon. 

And she never grinned prouder as she grabbed the train handle and yanked herself inside the train. A few of the Dauntless was still standing by the open doors, holding hands out and helping to pull others in that were struggling a little. Most had already sat down against the walls, catching their breaths and resting up while they could. Letting strangers chose their own fate by either getting on the train by themselves or not at all. 

Katie slid down, a little close to the open door but not close enough to fall out if she get's shoved by anyone who might sit beside her. She closed her eyes, leaning her head back and catching her breath while her heart stayed beating like mad inside her chest. 

Their Stories 4 (Voltron Oneshots)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon