The shitty orphanage

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-Tommy's POV-

Fuckkkkkk. I didn't get any sleep last night. I wish I could be normal. Oh god, I have to get up, don't I?'

I hear a very loud tap at his small door.

I gets up with a sigh and a groan and climbs out of the tiny and dark room through the small door into a very large, very bright and very busy hallway.

I squints my eyes at the sudden light. Out of nowhere I feel a kick to my stomach.

I bend over from the sudden impact and start to trip.

I fall to the floor not catching myself in time. I look up to see, Chess.

'Oh what a surprise' I think.

I wipe the blood dribbling from my nose and I get up and walk to the cafeteria before Chess realizes.

As I am about to enter the door I feel a hand on my shoulder pull me to the side.

I see Miss. Snowfall look down on me. She gives me a small glare before saying in a matter of a fact tone, "Thomas, com to my office in 5 minutes." She walks of to go to who knows where.

I drag my feet to the office, and sit in one of the 6 chairs in front of her desk. One by one the other kids start trickling in. Miss. Snowfall walks in and sits at her desk.

"There is a family looking to adopt someone the age of 12. As you 6 are the only... children, that are 12, you will be meeting the family at 3 pm. Don't be too annoying. Now take the folder and get out of my office."

I took the folder and ran up too my cold and cramped room. Once safe inside, i sat on the floor and opened the folder. There were 3 pages in the folder. I took the first one and set the others on the floor.

It was a man with a stripped green hat, brown eyes and a greenish brown cloak.

It was a man with a stripped green hat, brown eyes and a greenish brown cloak

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Name: Philza Watson

Age: 36

Occupation: Adventurer

'huh, he doesn't look mean, then again, mos of them didn't. I really should stop getting my hopes up.'

I glance over the rest of it not bothering to read too much of it.

I grab the next one,

Name: Technoblade Watson

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Name: Technoblade Watson

Age: 17

Occupation: Student

'oh shit, he looks like he can do some damage. I really don't want to piss him off.'

Name:Wilbur -____-

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Name:Wilbur -____-

Age: 17

Occupation: Student

'He's smiling, but he looks terrifying! It's the eyes. He is not okay. Okay, calm down. Maybe it is just the lighting.'

'I really don't want to meet these psychopaths.'

What is home? -Tommy SBI adoption-Where stories live. Discover now