Lunaise Ferguson

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Oh my gosh first I meet the hottest guy on earth at school then I bump into him at 11:00 at night. "Hey watch were you're going,"He said."Kind of hard to when it's dark outside." "Wait who the heck is this?" He asked. "Why do you need to know?" There was silence for a few minutes but then see started to talk. "Lunaise is that you?" He asked. He stepped closer and I started to see his outline and noticed that it was Allen, the kid that helped me in 6th period. But what was he doing here. "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to run into you," he said. "It wasn't your fault they need to put more street lights out here." he was quiet for a few minutes but then there was a beam of light that came from a little flashlight in his hands. "Better?" He asked. "Yes thank you." "You landed in the mud didn't you?" He asked. "Yes," I said getting up. "Here we can go to my house and get you cleaned up." "Oh I don't want to bother you with that I'll just go back home and change," I said trying to be nice and say I can't go. If my dad found out I went to another boys house he would kill me.
"I can't send you home looking like that I would feel awful," said Allen. *sigh* "Oh alright."
• time shift to all end house•
- Sorry about the time shift but nothing happens so your not missing anything-
"Here are some clothes that aren't so guyish." "Thank you Allen now I must get going." "It's too dark outside to be going back home you should stay here for the night, it's safer." Oh how much I wanted to stay with him. "Sure," I said. Wait did I just say that. "Great. I'll go set up the bed bed for you." "No this is your house I will sleep on the floor not you." "When did I say that I was going to sleep on the ground I was going to sleep on the couch." "Oh, but still." "Yes but you are my guest and I am to make you feel comfortable." I gave up he was going to argue with me about where we were going to sleep so I just gave up. The next thing I know I'm in Allen's bed and sleeping like a baby. At about 4:00 am I wake up and notice that Allen had moved to the floor right beside me on the floor the stinker. So I went and tired to pick him up but the was useless he was to buff and heavy. So I poked him in the arm but he didn't move. Next I playfully punch him in the arm but that didn't n't work. After trying to shake him awake I gave up. When I got up I thought I saw him move but dismissed it. Then in less then three seconds Allen tackled me to the ground and laid on me. "You are you!" He yelled at me. "Allen its me Lunaise." His eyes immediately softened. "Please tell me I didn't hurt you?" "No but you did scare the heck out of me." "Sorry," he said. He gets off and opens his mouth as if to say something but stayed silent. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Nothing." "Something's wrong what is it?" "Nothing's wrong I just." "just what?" "I just don't know how to say it." "You can tell me." He stood there trying to put his thoughts to words. "Um I think." "Yes." "Awe shot I give up." He said and then everything happened in a blur for the rest of the night.

A Somewhat Normal LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz