Chapter 4 - Prelude to Cataclysm

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Many millennia have passed for the Renegade since the incident in Spear Pillar, even though it was around two months in the outside world.

Because of the 1:1 billion scale of Time Warp, a second outside was about 31.7 years in that cursed realm, so a lot of time has gone by. Precious time the inhabitant of the Distortion World spent on increasing the diversity in the realm.

It began with the platforms. The current four hundred and fifty wouldn't suffice for the renovation. It took a lot of inspiration from the beginning of the Universe, when It and Its sibling had cracked their egg together.

It had discovered how the Universe had come to fruition, and how to end it.

The equivalent of the Universe is zero. Nothing is created or destroyed, only reshaped into different attributes. Say, for example, you created something with a theoretical matter value of 35. There would have to be created something with the matter value of -35, what is commonly known as antimatter.

Antimatter and matter are also highly dangerous when combined, as an encounter of both would imply the annihilation of both with a large release of energy.

So all It had to do was to invert the process so, at the expense of the energy in the Distortion World, the only thing allowing the platforms and everything else to be seen, It could make several points of matter and antimatter and then send the two far apart so they wouldn't obliterate each other.

It had long since gotten somewhat used to this technique with the previous platforms created. Now It could create about three large ones in a hundred years, considerably better than the small one in a thousand It started off at in the very beginning.

Sadly, that's all It could do for getting better at it. For as powerful as It was, Its nature was the destruction of matter, not creation.

Similarly, the Original One would not be able to destroy the things It created with ease, as It was not in Its element.

Both could overwrite the Universe with Their natural power. If Creation was the issue, then the Alpha Pokémon could force the Universe to create the matter and antimatter necessary to compensate, and vice-versa with the Omega Pokémon.

However, the current Distortion World was evidence of what was possible when one of Them was not only working outside of Their element but with the counterpart to it. Their ability was heavily restricted.

It was satisfied when the number of footholds had gone from the old 450 to 2853, with one special for being large enough to hold the rest of the platforms inside if it was hollow.

However, It was not done. After all, it needed water, shape and life, even if it was abnormal as the dimension itself. Repeating the process once again, it kept creating for a couple more eons.

The life was relatively simple, embracing how naturally complex both natural life and the Distortion World were. It limited itself to a couple of vine-like plants and microorganisms. Interestingly enough, It found the flora growing towards the center piece, looking for more water and soil.

It had long since moved on from Its grudge against Its sibling. It saw now how fun creation truly was. Especially the feeling of accomplishing something. As little as this was, it was Its world. It's home.

One it would have to fight in very soon.

It came in the form of a request of three voices it had heard before.

'Giratina, your help is necessary.'

Uxie. It was not one to lie, especially about something like this. The Being of Knowledge knew that if the Renegade deemed Its help unnecessary, It'd shrug it off in the best-case scenario.

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