What the actual fuck?!

Grace wasn't your mom. She was your fucking sister. She had taken you in when your mother couldn't raise you anymore because she 'couldn't afford it.' You didn't give a fuck about your dad, either.

"You have to do it your way," Samantha grabbed both you and Damian's cheeks, squishing them together. "I respect that."

Her cellphone chimed.

"Damn! Emergency board meeting."

"Is everything all right?" Bruce asked.

"I'll tell them to reschedule." Samantha smiled.

"No. No, you should go. We'll have other nights," Bruce assured her.

"I look forward to them..."

You gaped as Samantha placed a big smacker right on Bruce's lips.

"Promise me we will never be like that," you whispered to Damian.

"I swear to you."

"And I look forward to seeing more of you, Damian." She held her hand out, which Damian shook.

"It was lovely seeing you, Lorri. I love your hair!"

You looked at your reflection in the window, and raised a brow as you looked back at Samantha.

"I swear, you're going to meet an Arabic prince and make him fall madly in love with your foreign looks."

"That's... oddly specific," you forced an awkward smile. "It was to nice see you, Samantha. Give me a heads up, next time. I'll give Alfred a break and make you guys dinner."

"That would be lovely," she turned back to Bruce. "I'll call you tomorrow."

She left.

"You were both awake the whole time, weren't you?"

"Not the whole time."

"I was." You laughed.

"She's very attractive," Damian began. "A hair pretentious. Definitely a little shallow, but--"

"Damian!" You scolded him, elbowing his side.

Bruce snatched the book out of Damian's hands.

"What are you reading?"

"I... We've been working our way through Dickens."

"You two have a book club?" Bruce raised a brow with a smirk on his face. "I tore through Dickens when I was just about your age. You ever seen the 1948 movie version directed by David Lean?"

"Ra's al Ghul wasn't much of a movie buff."

"Well, I am."

"Movie time!" You jumped in excitement. "I'll get my blanket!"


Damian practically slammed your window shut. You jumped.

"He's been hiding me!" He complained. "He could at least let Robin have a life!"

"Oh. You tried to sneak out?" You asked, sitting on your bed, and making room for him. He plopped down next to you. It kind of irked you that he hadn't told you.


"I see." You looked around the room. "I had an epiphany recently."

Damian turned to you, the whites of his domino mask glaring at you. You peeled the mask off, and took his gloved hand, placing it on your thigh, before placing your own hand on his cheek.

"You're Bruce's only son. His only real family left." You rubbed his cheek. "He loves you, Damian."

"Sure seems like it." He grumbled, falling back onto the bed.

He glared at the ceiling. You flopped down next to him.

"I can't wait till you're grown."


"Look at you!" You laughed. "You're gonna be an angel! I mean, you're pretty attractive right now, but imagine when you're sixteen."

"What if you're wrong?"

You turned to him, smiling. "At least the make-outs are good."

Damian scoffed, shoving you off the bed while smirking. You burst out in laughter.

"HEY! That was good! That was smooth!" You yelled through your laughter, rolling on the floor.

Damian shook his head, falling back onto the bed.


You walked towards the Batcave, smiling. You knew Dick was watching you and Damian tonight. Fully costumed, you entered the cave. Damian was smirking from the second floor while Dick was slouched in a chair.

"He beat you?" You asked, leaning on the chair.

"Yep." Dick groaned, standing up.

You sighed, stretching your arms over your head. "Ready?"

"Yeah. Have you nailed the back fold yet?"

"Not quite." You responded, laying down on your stomach. You could feel Damian's confused glare from your spot on the floor.

You slowly lifted your legs up, until you were sitting on your upper chest and chin. You began to fold your feet forward, as if you were trying to become a ball, but they stopped short. You panted.

"Does it hurt?" Dick asked, observing your form.

"A lot." You whimpered out.

"Hm... Let me try something." Dick walked behind you, and grabbed your knees.

Damian went up in flames. "Get back, Grayson." He warned.

"Chill out!" Dick yelled back, beginning to push your knees forward. "It's not like I'm hurting her!"

"Sure looks like it!" You heard Damian yell.

"Dick!" You yelled as he pushed your joints.

"Okay, never mind. It's gonna hurt!" Dick warned you, before pushing your joints even harder.

You screamed as all your joints made a loud POPing noise, before going quiet.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Damian yelled, before tackling Dick.

"Get the hell off me!" Dick yelled back.

"Hey," you began, wiggling your toes. "I feel better."

You straightened your body, and then refolded it with much ease. "It worked!" You said, grabbing your feet as they dangled near your head.

Dick scoffed. "Told ya. It runs in the blood."


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