❇️The new Ramirez member❇️

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(f/h/d): your favorite hot drink
(Y/n/n) : your nickname

(Y/n)'s POV


I was woken up by the sound of a door slamming and rushed footsteps, at...



What is happening?!

I rushed out of my room to see what's going on and was met with my dad panicking and my tio trying to calm him down.

"Uhh... Que esta pasando?" (What is going on?) I asked and my dad started panicking more.

"oh, (y/n) lamento despertarte, pero tu mamá está a punto de dar a luz" (Oh, (y/n) sorry to wake you up, but your mom is about to give birth) my uncle replied.

"That explains dad's worried state" I said as my abuela handed my dad a cup of tea and me a cup of (f/h/d).

"You'd think after 3 children he'd get used to it but no." Sarah said coming in with a cup of hot chocolate.

"He is always in the same panicking state, like it's he's firstborn" Pedro finished our sister's sentence, while taking a sip of his coffee.

"By the way, where is tia?" Daniela asked.

"Your mother took her to Julieta since Victor was on shock." My abuelo answered.

"Now now, go get ready cause we need to get there before she gives birth" My abuela said.

I went back to my room to decide what clothes I'll wear.


For those who would like a skirt:

For those who would like a skirt:

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For those who would like pants:

(If you don't like then in brown you can imagine them in whatever color you'd like)

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(If you don't like then in brown you can imagine them in whatever color you'd like)


I eventually decided to put on a white shirt, (whatever you chose) and a pair of ankle-height boots.

~time skip~

"Lamentamos mucho que haya tenido que levantarse tan temprano por nuestra culpa." (We are so sorry that you had to wake up so early because of us) My abuela said to, not only abuela Alma but, to every Madrigal, because we literally woke them all.

Well mostly it was my mom but it was also the twins cause they started fighting over who the baby's going to like the most.

Sarah's POV

I was  talking with Dolores when she pointed slightly at something and gave me a look that said 'look discreetly over there'.

I turned 'discreetly' to see what she meant and Dios mio (oh my god) the scene was adorable!

My sister and her boyfriend were cuddling in the couch and were almost asleep.

(Like that but a bit more cuddly)

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(Like that but a bit more cuddly)


Dolores and I turned to look at what made the sound.

Turns out that señora Pepa had taken a photo of them.

"My album with photos of cute moments of (y/n) and camilo is starting to growing" She smiled and actually pulled out an album with photos of said couple.

"Señora, can I have a copy of that album?" I asked

"Sure, I'll see what I can do" She smiled an I smiled back.

Oh, I'm so going to tease (y/n) about it.

After some time, señora Julieta came out and everyone was waiting for the news.Well, except (y/n/n) and chameleon boy who were sleeping.

"Congratulations, it's a healthy baby ___"

(A/n:  Hello my little mariposas! How is everyone doing? I hope good. Sorry for the short chapter but I didn't want to keep you waiting 😅. Anyway, should the baby be a boy or a girl?? What would you like?? Also it's really late for me, as I'm writing this, so if I made any mistakes please let me know 😅. That's all. Remember to eat, drink water and sleep =] Additionally remember to take care of your mental health cause it's important! <3 Farewell little mariposas 😃)

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