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They are now in bedroom decor section. Dahyun chose a gray bedsheet while Sana chose the white one.

They argued for a bit then decided that they will take both. They ran into some plushies stand; Sana took the squirrel plushie but Dahyun took it off from her. Sana pouted and snatched it back from her.

"That will not look good in our bedroom! It's colorful and the motif of our room is gray!" Dahyun said.

"That is the point! It's you already have dark aura and you still chose to paint it dark!" Sana buckled.

"That is what I like!"

"when we get married, I will change that!"

"Oh no you won't!" Dahyun threatened.

"You don't know who you are dealing with Kim!" Sana announced. Then she took another plushie.

"here!" she hit Dahyun from it. "Take this!"

Dahyun was confused what is the plushie. 

"It's a tofu, but it's not you coz you are hard and that is soft!" Sana teased.


"what a day!" Sana complained.

They have arranged their room. Put the white sheets on the bed, gray curtains. They also had their own cabinets and drawers, own shelf, and tables. There is also lampshades on both sides of the bed. Sana's side which is on the left has a miniature plane. While there is a digital alarm clock on Dahyun's side. Dahyun will definitely have her own office in the house and she will soon decorate it. Sana was sitting on the edge of the bed then Dahyun entered. She is now in her house clothes. Oversized shirt, baggy checkered pants. Her hair is in a bun.

"what do you want to order for dinner?" She asked Sana.

"pizza will do." Sana answered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, and how about a few beers?" Sana suggested.

"You up for that?" Dahyun asked.

Sana shrugged and nodded.

"Okay" Dahyun agreed.

After some time. They are now in their empty living room. The couches were still not there, also the dinning tools.

They were playing a game.

"okay, your turn." Dahyun told Sana.

"Okay, umm.... never have I ever been caught cheating!"

Dahyun looked at her. "Is that in general?"

Sana nodded.

Dahyun drank from her beer. Sana laughed. "What did you do?"

"well, I, we need to make a reaction paper from a film that we saw at school, and I fell asleep. So, I copied Chaengs paper" Dahyun stated. "Okay my turn"

Sana waited for Dahyun to talk.

"Never have I ever disappointed someone"

Sana's eyes went down and Dahyun saw that.

"Shit I'm sorry, I.." Sana drank from her beer "it's fi ne"

Sana took a deep breath, "I'm pretty sure that I am still disappointing my dad in some ways. Since he knew that I'm gay and I stopped, that wedding, he gave me his first ever slap on my face. he didn't disown me or anything but, he kept on telling me to change and all. But I was so determine to be with Wonyoung, she was my first love. I fought for her till he gave up. while I was with her, I did my best to become a pilot. and I was so greatful that I did. I got my determination from Wonyoung but, soon my dad proved me wrong with her intentions." 

Sana drank from her beer again.

"That's why, until now, I think why he still can't trust me with the aviation because I'm still the wreckless, spoiled and....."

"Hey, no, you are not like that!" Dahyun cut in. "Your father loves you; he trusts you. And the reason why he has not handed it over to you because he knows the world out there. I see you as strong, well, a pest sometimes but...I know you will be the best CEO soon."

"tsss!" Sana couldfn't believe what Dahyun said. She laughed and it made Dahyun look at her in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, but is that you Kim Dahyun?" Sana teased.

"yaaa! stop!" Dahyun pushed Sana but her hand tugged the bottle causing it to spill beer. They were both in shock didn't realize that their lips were very very close. 

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