𝐶𝒉𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝟏 // 𝗛𝗔 : 𝗟𝗜𝗧

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Heyaa guys ! Sol's here !
This story does not belong to Sol' but it is so great that it deserves to be shared !
Soooooo, enjoy !


Hinata blinked.

The sound of a car loudly honking its horn sharply pulled him out of the sleepy haze that had possessed him all morning, and the smallest Karasuno player found himself standing in the middle of the biggest and busiest intersection in Tokyo, with not a single one of his teammates in sight.

He abruptly stopped, and the person walking behind bumped roughly into him.

"Watch it, kid !" the businessman brusquely sneered at him, but hastily disappeared into the crowd before Hinata could muster up an apology.

Dozens of people passed him by, like a river easily parting around a boulder, eyes looking straight ahead in deep thought or talking on their phones, and paying no mind to the small teenager who looked around him with brown eyes wide and mouth ajar, completely awestruck at the sights and sounds around him.

It took a full minute before the reality of his situation dawned on the poor boy, and Hinata felt a cold pit form at the bottom of his stomach, his simple mind immediately overwhelmed.

'Where am I ? How did I get here ? Where's everyone ?'

His stomach began to churn dangerously, evocative of the nausea he usually felt before important matches, and he found himself helplessly moving with the crowd, towards the safety of the closest pavement. Bright, frightened eyes wandered from one street sign to the next, not comprehending or recognizing anything, and it made the panic that bubbled inside him dangerously grow stronger.

"Okay, calm down, calm down, Hinata !" He muttered to himself, hands grabbing his head in a symbolic effort to keep it from exploding. "I gotta, gotta, call someone !"

He decided, surprised that the thought hadn't occurred to him earlier, but nevertheless felt relieved that the situation wasn't totally hopeless.

Or so he thought.

His hand slipped into his Karasuno varsity jacket's pocket and found... Nothing.

"Eh ?" He searched both pockets, which turned up empty. Then he inspected the pockets of his jeans and found them hopelessly empty as well. "What ? Where's my phone and wallet ? Where's my bag ?!"

The last time he saw his phone was... Last night, after he finished packing his bag for the weeklong training camp. He remembered being very excited at the prospect of getting to train in one of Tokyo's gigantic gyms. It had all been part of Takeda-sensei's tireless effort to help them get used to the unfamiliar environment of the Nationals, which was just a month away. Hinata had been so excited he could barely sleep, with exhaustion only catching up to him when he was an hour away from waking up.

The morning had passed like a dream. Hinata vaguely remembered being dragged out of his bed by his mom, forced into the bath, virtually buried under several layers of clothing (it was still winter, after all), before he was pushed into their car. He thought he heard his mom ask something about making sure he didn't forget anything, and Hinata had grunted an affirmative response without really checking if that had been true. His phone and his wallet... Were right on top of his desk at home, in Yugioka, exactly where he'd left them.

Home Alone : Lost in Tokyo || 𝗛𝗤x𝗞𝗡𝗞Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ