"Are you sure?" he now holds both of my hands, waves crashing on the shore.

"I'm positive," I smile. I lean in and press my lips to his, he cups my jaw and smiles back.


Hours have gone by and I'm no longer a virgin to say the least. I am in so much pain though. We had sex in his car, I wasn't really feeling pleasure but pain, he was so careful and took his time with me, making sure I'm okay.

My legs are so sore and my thighs are hurting to the point where I can't walk without wincing and limping. He took me home though, I'm perfectly safe. I'm just in pain.

He was really hesitant of it because of Harry but I just told him I won't tell Harry, why would I need too? I thanked him for the good night and limped inside. My 4 year old sister was eating, my mom at the table with my dad, my dad doing a crossword and my mom reading.

"Hey sweet, how was your first date?" she asks.

"Um, yeah, it was good,"

"Good?" she said.

"We went out for dinner, a walk on the beach and then he took me home," I shrug.

"Did you kiss?"

"Yeah," I shrug. "I'm going to go to bed, I've got school tomorrow but I might watch some Friends before I do, goodnight,"

"Goodnight," they say in sync, my sister waving. I walk the best I can upstairs, getting you there and biting my lip. Fuck sakes this hurts. I sit on my bed, wincing.

I know it's not a scare but I bled a little bit, being in pain and everything. He was enjoying himself though, I really wasn't going to complain with that. He was so gentle as I said, making sure I wasn't in as much pain but I really was.

It definitely hurts, the bleeding proved that.


The next day, I woke up and got ready for school, still feeling an ache but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. I got to school, Louis didn't realise at first, but when he did, holy shit I had to stop him.

"Louis, please stop!" I whisper shout.

"You had sex!" he whispers back, grinning.

"Yeah, and it hurts," I whine.

"But you- You've had sex!"

"Louis," I swat him, shaking my head. Harry looked at me, I acted like nothing was wrong. I knew I only had sex with Tristan because Harry said something to him and I wanted to piss him off. Fuck him, honestly. "Stop,"

"But, oh my god," he pouts. "I'm the only virgin ew,"

"Why does being a girl have to be painful?"

"Did you use a condom?"

"Of course he did," I nod. "I made sure of it, I know what happened if he didn't,"

"Hey," Gemma says, Zayn standing next to her.

"Alexis had sex," he points my eyes widening as they both look at me.

"Louis!" I swat him, shaking my head.

"You did?" she grins.

"Well, Louis already told you," I nod.

"Oh my god, with who?" she then asks.

"His names Tristan? The one I went on a date with yesterday?"

"Oh," they say in sync. "Are you okay? Were you safe?"

"Of course we were safe, I'm fine, just a bit sore but, it's better than what it was yesterday," I shrug, sighing.

"Congratulations," she smiles. "Virgin no more

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