"This is man is going into shock. He don't look good. Let's get him to the cabin before he freezes to the bone out there. Can't ya see there's a god-damn blizzard storm approaching! Start the engine and let's get him in the truck! Ya grab hold of his legs; I'll grab his arms," said the man that gave the orders.

There was a decline in response as if he hadn't acknowledged what he just said, or he didn't want to. Derek was starting to get worried. Why their cabin and not a hospital? Something about this whole good Samaritan act spelt like impending danger to him.

" Have ya lost ya, god-damn mind, Billy?"Derek heard the man shout at
him, his voice hoarse and out of breath.

"Ain't no way in hell, he getting my truck, ya hear? I told ya to leave this man alone and let's get outta here before the three of us end up dead. She's here, I'm telling ya! I can smile that vile beasts stench a fuckin' mile away."

An extended sigh of exasperation followed. Derek had been convinced that this man was as good as dead now.

" There ya go again, with yer incessant yapping about ghosts again. How many times I gots tell ya, there's no such things as ghosts, ya inert mass!"

"Yeah, just wait till ya see her."

"Can it, Ya twit, and move this fellah to the truck now!" Were the man's orders.

"Okay, I'm coming. Keep yer rug on would ya? But don't say I didn't warn ya."

The men moved forthwith towards Derek and one of them grabbed hold of his legs and the other took hold of his arms. It was dark like a witch's curse, everything had been swathed in blackness other than the torch lights that had been clenched in their hands breathing visibility over everything they came into contact with. They dragged Derek down the unnerving forest, stopping every few seconds to catch their breath and hear if anyone was behind them.

One of the men cleared the mucus from his throat and said with a wheezing smoker's cough, "Did ya hear that, Billy?"

Their footsteps stopped abruptly and the forest became as silent as a graveyard for a minute.

"Hear what?"

"I swear I heard something behind us! Just stop and listen, would ya!"

"God-damn it, Joel! If I have to listen to yer bullshit a second more I'm gonna throw ya headfirst down the devil's gauge. If ya haven't noticed by now, we are in a forest, surrounded by wolves, jackals and bears, so we are bound to hear something!"

"Sssh, listen! Jesus, I swear we been followed!"

The authoritative one grunted in disapproval and said," Well, I ain't heard nothing! And if ya keep this up, boy the only thing ya gonna hear is me slapping ya stupid bug-eyed face around this forest! Get a move on, would ya and not another word! I'm hungry, and my dinner ain't gonna cook itself."

Derek heard it too. He could hear something sprinting down the forest at a horrifically expeditious pace. Was it an animal? What animal could move at that speed and not stop to catch its breath? If it was her, they'd all be done for. She was coming for them and there would be hell to pay for every one of them now. That word sunk in his throat like a bad pill.

"She's here!" the man screamed out with mad hysteria. "Run! She's coming, god-damn it!"

Derek was dismissed and flung to the ground in an instant. His body bounced three times before it landed like an explosion. He let out a groan of discomfort as a stabbing pain shot through his body when an enormous rock barricaded his fall like a hard cushion. He rolled over and continued to play dead in case she was back to finish him off. With one eye open, Derek peeked through the distorted haze of carnage and started to tremble as these men got hacked to pieces, right before his eyes.

Derek felt the first pang of nausea hit him when he heard the sound of the man's guts being split and gutted open like a snake. Having enough strength to wipe the blood from his eyes, he caught a glimpse of what had become of these men. She was killing them off, one by one in a brutal-like fashion. The woman's bony body was on top of the wailing, helpless man, as she brutally severed his intestines from his stomach with a sharp piece of glass, she held entwined in her hands. All that was left of him, was nothing but guts and pools of his blood.

She tilted her head and gazed up at Derek, after she finished the man off and looked at him, her face covered in the man's blood, with this crooked,reptilian-like smile on her face.

"I'm coming for you, Derek!"

Derek proceeded to climb to his feet and get away from her, but he knew he wouldn't have gone far in his condition. His head began to spin and he started to see an assortment of black-spotted clouds, visually impairing him from going the extra mile."God-damn it, help me!" Derek called out to the echoing silence in the forest, but he knew it had been pointless, as there hadn't been anyone from a twenty-one-kilometres radius.

A rock merged from out of nowhere, as he slipped on the wet grass, hit his head, on it this time and collapsed to the ground. When he opened his eyes again, he had been acquainted with an empty nothingness of darkness and heard another group of muffled voices coming deep from within the tomb-silent forest. Derek closed his eyes again and forced himself to make this all go away and so it did.

Word count:1547

Word count:1547

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