An End With a Beginning: Chapter 1

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'Each beginning has an end' This is something you had always told yourself. The spring fragrance was stained with the scent of blood, it made to want to hurl, but the tears that dotted down your cheeks stabilized your composure. A weakness to your knees as your mind grew empty. 

'Each beginning had an end' words from a solemn poem drifted through empty head space as the sun neared its rise. (E/c)ed hues watered over as the silence set in. But this.. they did not deserve such an end.. 

Pain struck and pulled at your taught heart, playing a silent rhythmic melody of heavy beats. Day and night was spent to ensure the safety of the young, the ill. Dead eyes that once held such joy have long since greyed out. Bittersweet memories of the children, stories and naps spent under star filled cloudless skies, questions, held a tender innocence. Regrettably, you turned your face away, such bloodshed, you closed your eyes tightly as tears streamed down to wet the ground. A sound of footsteps neared, the scent- human. Fox like ears and tail, which complimented your (h/c) hair, remained hidden. 

Giyuu's POV

The crow had alerted him to near by activity, alas by the time of his arival it was too late, the scent of blood was strong, and the presence of demons was weak. The crow circled in the air above the bloodshed, a woman's figure stood alone, face turned away from such horrors, had she been a demon, surely she would have started to burn away. Most would have crippled over to such a sight, weep aloud, painful mournful cries, but her pained expression remained silent. He removed his hand from the hilt of his sword as he approached her. 

(Y/n) POV

A gentle yet calm, distance voice was heard, an "Are you hurt?" was heard from the male, a somewhat mocking huff like chuckle was expressed as you answered, "Unfortunately not a scratch.." You answered as you further sought to compose yourself now that someone was there but where was there to turn your cheek? On one side was the family you had gathered, and the other was the demon slayer, to gaze down or perhaps up? You weren't sure. Perhaps, to simply gaze at nothing was better. You could tell from simply his gaze, the pity-- the remorse... empathy. At first it struck you as odd- but there are many he failed to save.. no? 

"What happened?" He stopped a few feet away from you, keeping his distance, a part of it reminded you how you too, kept your distance from others and watched. With his question you were able to meet his detached gaze with a slightly different nature to your own gaze, a silent pain of softened eyes, watered orbs shook faintly as you begun, "I had left to gather medicine and food. This place.. we settled here because it was so peaceful, quiet, they loved it.." You spoke softly, though you would have continued if your voice hadn't been about to crack, all he did was wait patiently, "This.. Is what I return to.. I should have never left." you spoke guiltily"

"Don't be foolish, there would have been nothing you could have done, don't kid yourself into thinking that you could have faced up against the monster that did this." He spoke as he furrowed his brows, "No one could have known this was going to happen, not you- and definitely not me." His words did little to lift the anguish from your heart. The way he phrased it didn't bother you at all despite being a demon yourself, though, you were a different breed than what caused this, you were under the same category. But he was right, a monster did this.

Though there was in fact something you could have done, the blissfully release of an end, an escape. Alongside them- well... one would say it would be novel worthy "I know you've come all this way, so I hate to ask, but, will you help me bury them? This family of mine." You asked "It's not- it's fine. I'll do it. You've come a long way yourself the closest town is a full day on foot. Not only that but you're exhausted, if not from the rip or bags under your eyes it's coming back to this."

Your eyes creased in gratitude, you were in no state to argue after all, but that also didn't mean that you'd let him do all the work either. You sat yourself on a large rock and waited as he returned with a shovel. Not wanting to tend to the gorey details, knowing them, spending time with them and loving them as you did, to see their mangled corpses- it wasn't something you wished to do.

There was a silence. Standing to your feet you made your way over to partake in wishing them off. Both of you respectively lowered your heads. Another lingering moment of silence before you lifted your head and picked up the shovel. "what are you doing?" He asked as you begun to dig another hole. "You forgot one." You spoke much to his confusion. Looking back at the blood stained ground he himself concluded that everyone had been buried. "What do you mean?" He asked as you continued shoveling "This one.. is for me." You told him, slight alarm arose within him but you clarified as he stopped you, "Not like that." You spoke as he released his grip from your arm as you continued, "Our lives.. are much like books. Chapters, happy, sad, memorable but end for the next chapter to come. Digging this grave... its a means to leave behind a part of myself, and draw an end to such a chapter." You explained softly.

A soft sigh left his lips. Though he carried all his burdens with him, he couldn't fully understand this method of yours a complex, but respectable expression rested on his features. One must do what one must do to carry onwards. You patted a good luck charm, a trinket the orphans of your family had made you into the soil before covering it back up.

It took most of the new daylight to bury everyone a family of gravestones strung neatly against the disturbed soil.

A part of him seemed to linger in his own thoughts for a moment, "Something on your mind?" You asked, "The thing that did this might come back if you stay, there's only one village close to here and it's a days on foot away. I'll make sure you arrive safely. But thats where we part ways."

"Very well. I humbly accept such an escort then. Though, i would hate to have to address you by, 'Hey you.' Might I ask your name?" You asked he looked towards your destination through the meadow, "I'm not one for conversation. Its not my thing. But of you must, My name is Tokoyami, Giyuu." With a sigh he continued as he started to move onwards. "And yours?" He asked, "Itll be easier to call you by name of something were to happen." He spoke somewhat reluctantly. You followed alongside him and answered, "(Y/n)" you answered.

A Lone Wolf's Lone Companion. Giyuu Tomioka x Reader!Where stories live. Discover now