PROLOGUE | A Plan No One Knows

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AN: hey! this is the first chapter (or prologue) of the rewritten version! (would love to hear your thoughts on it!)

chapter 1 will also be published! my schedule so far would be one chapter a week :D

Hope you enjoy the story!

| Unknown Location |

The rain was pouring, lighting decorating the pitch black sky. Sound of thunder faded in and out as the time went on. The clock just struck midnight but still the streets were as busy as day. A man clothed in black, face hidden by a black cloak, walked down the street with his hands in his pocket.

There was the pattern of an eye on his clock sleeve. If one didn't know better, they would believe it to be a decoration.

He glanced behind his back often, head looking down and hood up. His clock was soaked as the rain beat down heavily on him but that didn't stop anything. He continued to walk without a care in the world.

In an abandoned alleyway, he turned. He glanced around the area, revealing his starling teal eyes. Once satisfied with the emptiness of the street, he pushed over a trash can and pressed on the brick wall, where a keypad appeared. He typed in the passcode, and paced impatiently as the ground started to open up. He jumped in soon after, and the ground closed back up again.

Unlike his downward look in the city, his head was high and he walked with authority through the dark tunnel. It was quiet and his steps echoed in the long hallway. He walked with a certain familiarity and if one paid close enough attention, there was a mischievous smirk decorating his otherwise emotionless face.

He entered another passcode at the end of the hallway to enter the room. A woman was sitting with her back facing away from the door. Her posture was elegant yet stiff. She was dressed in a dark gown, the only noticeable feature was her long blonde hair.

When she spoke, her voice was cold. "Mission report."

"Phase one complete," The man bowed before replying.

"Is everything in place like we had practiced and perfected?" The woman questioned, turning around to finally face the man.

"Yes," he bowed again. "The plan would not fail. Through careful research, I had found every possible conflict and planned out every possible escaped route and back up plans"

The woman seemed satisfied enough. She hummed. "Good. Now be patient, my darling. Everything would soon fall into our hands. Do you trust me?" Her voice indicated that there was only one right answer.

"Yes, my lady. I have full trust in you," he glanced down at the ground submissively. "I will release the monsters now."

She nodded, turning back to face the man, as if he was unworthy for her to even glance at. "Yes. Do your job, and you'll get your rewards."

The man got out of the room again with a bow, a new mission in mind. 

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