Chapter 14: The Cricket Game

Start from the beginning

"Go on, Your Majesty." Harry soon said.

Cora grinned in approval.

"What now?" Hook soon asked.

"Let's go have a little look at this Storybrooke, shall we?" Cora suggested.

It was of course agreed upon and it looked like it was time to go until suddenly, Evie decided that she had enough adventure for one day.

"You can't do this!" Evie soon cried out. "You won't get away with this!"

Cora glared before she turned around to face her granddaughter. "Evie... Dear... This is for your mother's own good," she then cooed. "Besides, don't worry... Your friends won't miss you... Especially after Xinjiang will fill in for you."

"And what about Audrey and Lonnie, Grandmother?" Evie asked with a firm pout. "Why do innocent people have to get hurt?"

"My dear Evie, you have to learn that in this world there are winners and there are losers," Cora replied softly. "But in this world or in The Enchanted Forest, to be a winner, sometimes to you have to play dirty."

"I don't want to play dirty." Evie pouted in response.

"Well, it's in your path to do so," Cora retorted. "After all, your grandmother was an Evil Queen in the world of Wonderland and your mother soon became an Evil Queen as well... Especially after losing your father."

Evie narrowed her eyes at the mention of her father.

"I'm just looking after your best interest, darling," Cora continued. "And if you play along the way I'd like you to, you can join your mother and any of your little friends as well. Now don't dawdle and stall... We have some work to do."

"Aye..." Hook nodded in agreement. "Harry, bring your lady friend around."

"Aye-Aye, Dad." Harry nodded as he soon pulled on Evie's rope to force her to come along.

Evie grunted and groaned before forcing herself to follow after the pirate teen and the two evil adults.

Eventually, after daytime hit, nearly everybody in Storybrooke had gathered at Granny's Diner for a welcome home celebration. The "Charming" family soon came in along with Evie and at the sight of Mary Margaret, Ruby rushed over to the short-haired woman instantly.

"I wasn't worried a bit." Ruby said to her good friend in The Enchanted Forest.

"I can tell." Mary Margaret remarked.

"Oh, we all missed you." Kiara smiled as she hugged Evie right away.

"Thanks, Kiara." Evie smiled back as she hugged Kiara back.

"Blueberry..." Mal said, nodding at Evie. "Long time no see."

"Hey..." Evie said, waving at Mal a bit as she stood with Jay and Carlos.

Elsewhere, Emma presented Granny with a tray of tacos. "Tacos. I cannot tell you the relief of cooking something that I didn't have to kill first." she then said to the older woman.

"Don't I know it?" Granny remarked in agreement. "Meatloaf back home? What a bitch."

"Oh, Henry, I'm so happy that your sister is back home." Dee Dee smiled at her best friend as she hugged her nutcracker doll.

"I'm very happy too, Dee Dee," Henry nodded before he saw that she looked like she had other things to say. "Oh, do you have something else to say?"

"I do." Dee Dee nodded.

"Oh... Okay..." Henry said with a small smile. "Well, don't keep me in suspense. What's up?" he then asked her eagerly.

"Henry, after I got my new doll, I started having some dreams." Dee Dee told her friend as she knew that this might interest him.

The Modern Fairy Tale Town Book 2: The Price of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now