A Rose My Dear?

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A hunger overcomes me, I am not used to this sort emotions or know what to do about this. It never occurred to me that anyone could bring this beast to life and have it tamed at the same time. Now she's almost in my reach, her long red hair that is just screaming to be wrapped in my arms. Her light skin that I want to taste and mark with my teeth. 

A few steps at a time, I remind myself as I swipe the first rose I see. What use of a garden if I can't offer its fruits of labor to someone such as her? 

I soften my steps, the chimes of her laugh just made me want to slow time and just hear it for multiple nights. 

The Green Nights was my domain and every plant grew with specific purposes. Focus, persistence, and determination helped bring in customers and plant lovers that wanted to put more life in their homes if they didn't feel like a pet would be safe in their environment. Every customer was a potential owner but at the moment I didn't do my usual scan to see if anyone needed help. 

Instead I tried to compose myself and not look like a stalker or a greasy sales person. Instead I listen carefully to what she was saying to one of my employees. She was looking for a plant that would brighten up her studio apartment. Her worries about the dust eating the space in her place. Getting closer, I hear her comment of looking for something to take care of that would need a lot of sunlight instead and water. Makes me wonder if she had a sun room or a place that had a big window. 

"Do you think you have something I can have today?" 

Yes, I immediately thought before I cleared my throat and caught both the lady I know was going to be mine and my employee who had concern in her eyes, "Good afternoon miss, I couldn't help but overhear your concerns and interest in plants. Would you like a rose before I can personally show you the options that would help you find the perfect plant for you?" 

A blush came across her face before she slowly took the yellow rose from my hand. My smile seem to relax her and my employee backed away as I took all the attention from her. She's going to have this sale, I told myself, I just wanted the number of what will be mine. 

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