You are mine

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This is going to be a little project I want to start. This is going to be interesting and I don't know what I'm doing but let's see what happens next! 

 She's like a fire that I would like to capture and watch for hours. There's no way that I'll let her get away.

"Hello there, do you have any questions?"

Her eyes were almost tinted with silver that outlined the hazel, beautiful. She blinked a few times as if she thought I was a ghost when I asked her. Shaking away her dazed look that I actually wished was there just a few moments more to enjoy her focus on me.

Turning back to the wall of antiques that seemed to tower over us, like the shelves were shielding our interaction from the whole world.

"Do you think a copper or metal watering can would be a good basket for a gift?" her shy voice made me smile just a bit because she was the definition of skittish.

"That depends on who is getting the gift." I started and commented, "If it is for a person you don't like I would suggest one of the ones that are stained with dirt to let them think that you literally got them out of the garden. Kind of like saying, HEY SINCE YOU ARE DIRT YOU MUST LIKE THIS"

I looked over to her again and she gave me a surprised look before her laughter gave my ears a gift that I wanted to record and listen to when I am having a bad day.

"Oh wow I haven't thought about that but I will use that as a reference later," she breathed out. I could watch her laugh for hours, "No, it is actually for a dear friend that has been in the hospital for a few days. Since she likes to go in to antique shops I thought I would get a gift to cheer her up."

"What have you gathered for her so far?" the more information I can gather the more time I get to spend time with her.

"So far, a small bear trinket, a scarf, gloves, and a coin purse." she clasped her small hands together nervously.

Thinking about the items I tilted my head, "A basket would be a better container and it would give it that comforting feeling of family."

I'm going to bookmark what I just said because she just gifted me a radiant smile that a picture will never do its justice.

"That will cheer her up for sure," she said excitedly and I could see that she wanted to jump up and down at the idea of picking out a basket.

"Come on, I know where the selection of baskets are. My name is Q." I held my hand out and she places her hand in mine.

"Nice to meet you Q. I'm Kim."

Well Kim, I hope you are ready for the future that I am determined to have with you.  

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