×|Chapter 11|×

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×|Myoui Mina POV|×

"Thank you Mrs Myoui.I'm glad you accept us."Mrs Kang said.

"You're welcome Mrs Kang.I'll tell my assistant to escort you out."I said as I called my assistant as she escort Mrs Kang out.

I sat back down and look at the time and it's almost time to pick Yejin.I called out our maid and tell them to ready our suitcase at the front door.I get my stuff and organized my table before going out.

"Hey Mina you're going already?"Sana ask me as she saw me going out of my office.

"Yup and did you make up with Momo yet?"I said as she nodded.

"Good.I'll be going now Bye!Oh and tell the others I said bye."I said as I waved at her before walking out and into the elevator.

I walk out of the elevator and walk over to where I park my car before getting in and start the engine and drove of to my apartment.I got out of the car and went inside the apartment and saw our suitcase.I said thank you to our maid that only came today to look after our apartment before the idiots sleep here.

Suddenly someone called me so I took my earpiece and put it on to answer the call.

"Hello?"I said.

"Hello Unnie."I heard Yejin said.

"Oh Yejin-ah.What's wrong?"I ask as I took a turn left.

"Nothing's wrong.I just wanted to ask are you already coming.If you are I kinda have some stuff to do."Yejin said.

"So do you want me to wait in the car or go to you?"I ask her as I pulled up to her school.

"You can come to me.I'll ask Yujin Unnie or Wonyoung Unnie to get you."Yejin said as I hummed.

I ended the call when I arrived at the school as I saw Yujin waiting for me. I got out as Yujin immediately when to me.

"Hey unnie.Yejin told me to get you." She said.

"I'm guessing you wanted to go home but Yejin doesn't let you." I said as she sigh and nodded.

"Unnie can you help me get Yejin from overworking she's the worst at it." Yujin complain as I chuckled as I got out while we started walking as I follow Yujin.

"You pick the wrong person for that Yujin.I'm an workaholic."I said as she groaned out.

"I hated how you guys are almost the same." Yujin said as we made it to the student council office.

"Yujin how many times did I told you? Knock before getting in." I heard a girl said who's going thru some paperwork.

"That's Wonyoung.Jang Wonyoung. She's mine and Yejin's bestfriend. Also a workaholic so that's why they can work together." Yujin said as Wonyoung look up.

"Hi unnie.Don't worry I know you I've seen you at the wedding. Congratulations on marrying Yejin and please take a good care of her." Wonyoung said as she got up and shake my hand.

"Don't worry I will."I said while smiling before we went to another room.

"Knock knock." Yujin said.

"Come in." I heard Yejin said as Yujin open the door letting me inside her.

"You're wifey is here to pick you up." Yujin said as Yejin look up from her paperwork.

"Hi unnie.Can you wait for a moment? I need to finish this first then we can go." Yejin said as I nodded.

Yujin left as she waved at me while I took a seat on a couch in her office.

"Hey Yejin." I called out as she hummed but didn't look up from her paperwork.

"Does your school depend on the student council so much that you go home late?" I asked as she look up and look at me.

"You could say that.The student council is responsible for every event that will be held and stuff." Yejin said before going back to her paperwork.

I nodded before getting up and stand beside her to see what she's doing.

"That's a lot." I said as she nodded.

"It's not that a lot.I just need to sign some things before I give it to Wonyoung." She said as I nodded.

"And....done.." she said as she got up and get her bag.

"Come on let's go."She said as she hold my hand and intertwined them making my breath hitch.

"What are you doing to me Ahn Yejin?" I thought as we got out.

"Wonyoung can you please check these before giving it to Mrs Jeon?" Yejin said as Wonyoung nodded and took the paperwork.

"Leaving already?" I heard Yujin asked as Yejin hummed as she let go of our intertwined hand.

"See you later sis." Yejin said to Yujin as they hug.

"And Wonyoung.....take a rest.After those paperwork there's nothing left to do so take a rest babe." Yejin said as Wonyoung look up with a smile and nodded.

"Bye bye." Yejin said a she took my hand as we got out of the office.

"Ahn Yejin!" We heard someone yelled out as we stopped and look back seeing a boy around her age panting.

"Here...." He said while catching his breath.

"What's this Jungwon-ah?" Yejin said as she took an envelope from him.

"Mrs Choi asked me to give to you. As I remember she said it's nothing that important but she needs your decision at least before you came back." This Jungwon boy said as Yejin nodded.

"Thank you Jungwon-ah.I'll read this immediately and ask Yujin to tell me if anything important happen ok?" Yejin said as Jungwon nodded.

She bid goodbye to him before we continue our way to my car.

"Yej-" I said before I got cut off by her kissing my lips.

"Fuck Ahn Yejin...." I thought as I kiss her back.

We pulled back out of breath as I felt myself getting red.

"Aww Unnie you're so cute~" She cooed as I hide my face.

"W-What was that even for?" I asked as I try calming myself before starting the engine.

"Some boys are looking at you." Yejin simply said as I nodded before driving off.

"So Unnie..." She started as I hummed.

"How long are we staying there?" Yejin asked.

"About 2 days I think." I said as I saw her nodding her head.

"Too bad that's not enough time." I heard she said as I felt myself shiver.

"N-Not enough time?" I question as she hummed.

"There's something I wanted to try." She said as I felt her hand on my thigh.

"Ahn Yejin!"


Sooo how are you guys? And I'm back I guess? Well not officially I'm just going to update when I feel like it. It's not that I don't want to I just felt that kind of pressure and stress about writing and school. The reason that I write was to let my stress out or if I want to calm myself sometimes. But hey at least I update right? Hope you guys like it and hope I'll see you in the next chapter.

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