Chapter 2 - Deliciousness.

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An.. Ice Cream shop..?

"You loved ice cream, we always had it," he said while smiling. "What do you do with it?", he started laughing "you eat it, of course" he said it sarcastically.

I was a bit confused

Well whatever. Ice cream tastes good anyways. I think. Kasiel paid for 2 cones, both were soft served chocolate but one mixed with strawberry. He handed me the one with strawberry, "this was your favourite." he smiled

I started to bite the ice cream, my teeth hurt. A lot. It was really cold. "uh..What are you doing..?" He looked at me weirdly. "Eating ice cream??" I said it like it was obvious. He started laughing. "What?" I was starting to get mad. "You're supposed to lick it," he said while smiling.

"Oh." I was starting to blush out of embarrassment. After finishing the ice cream, which was delicious by the way. I was really happy, my taste buds just fell in love with that. "Man.. myself? No Y/N must have had really good taste, I loved that" I said to Kaisel

He looked like he was considering it "in food? Yes. guys? No." I started to chuckle. He joined in. We just walked around a bit more, saw some koalas and pandas, and took some awkward photos. The sun started to set quite quickly. The teacher started calling everyone, then we lined up.

The girl with blonde hair lined up behind me, she was texting on her phone. I decided I wanted to start up a conversation with her. "Hi," I said. she looked up at me "Hi....?" Okay this is awkward. "uh.. What's your name?" She looked even more confused and even a bit worried. "It's Lireaua, you know that Y/N"

What? I do? I know her? Did I just embarrass myself? I can't just tell her: I lost all my memories and all I know is my name and I woke up in this bus and-.. Yeah I really can't, she'll think I'm crazy. "Uh... I just forgot.." dammit. This is really getting embarrassing. "Are you ok? Did spending too much time with Kaisel finally make you go crazy?"

She also knows who Kaisel is?! I'm screwed. By the looks of it, we were close. I want to just slam my head into a wall right now. "ummm...I just... amnesia! I have amnesia. Yeah!?" I was happy to find an excuse, hopefully she wouldn't ask questions. "Uh.. are you ok...?" she said awkwardly.

I'm now sad. I wanted to make a friend, but damn, guess I can't. I sighed and turned my head back to the line. A loud thud came from the boys line. I quickly turned my head to look at what was going on.

Kaisel fell.

That dumb boy. He fell face flat. He now had a bruise on his cheek, he was bleeding. I wanted to go and treat him, I took a step and our eyes locked and he waved for me not to go. I took a step back and realised everyone was looking at him.

The teacher opened the school bus doors and he went in first with the teacher, then we started to go in, once I got to the back seat, I strapped off my backpack, and sat down. I saw Kaisel in the front seat being treated.

He smiled at me, I felt really bad. But then a girl from the end of the line came in and sat beside me. She didn't have blue eyes either. I was happy to meet her. But she had light rosy hair, and yellow eyes. Which was weird.

Actually I don't even know what's weird and normal? Why'd I set that standard..? Where did I get my line of thought? Where am I even from?

The bus started shaking, lights turned on and off, the pink haired girl and I were sliding from side to side on the back row. I think Kaisel was having issues in the front. But what is going- "what is going ONNNN- AAAAAAAA" The pink haired girl screamed.

I was worried, I didn't want this to happen, Kaisel was still injured. What if he gets hurt even more? What if everyone in the bus gets hurt? I just woke up here just a moment ago.. I shouldn't care for these people who I never met! Why weren't the teachers doing anything?!

Whatever. It's probably because I'll need Kaisel to buy me more ice cream. "TEACHER CAN YOU OPEN THE DOORS!?" I shouted. The teacher nodded, but he was tripping because of the rapid shaking.

He opened the doors, and we all ran out, people were tripping and falling left and right. Even the driver. "Wh-what was that?!" Lireaua asked while shivering. Everyone looked scared, some went to the teacher to ask questions, and some went to vomit. For some reason.. I didn't feel that much fear or.. Anything actually.

I was just a bit worried. I felt like I've done this before... Why do I feel like this?

Kaisel, instead of staying by the teacher's side, he went over to me. "Are you ok?!" he said worriedly. "Are you!?" I asked in an even more worried tone. "Yeah, I always am, you know that." he said jokingly, then he got worried again

"Look-" "no it's fine, It's nothing, It's not your fault I don't remember anything." I interrupted and he looked sad, but nodded. I looked at the bus again. And the weirdest thing was that it looked like it was glitching. Kaisel also looked over. "That looks.."

"It looks crazy." I said

After a while it stopped, the driver looked worried and so did the teacher. They started having phone calls and told us to wait by the sidewalk. Kaisel sat beside me. "You want some candy?" he offered. My eyes were gleaming "YES!" I was starving. Ice cream couldn't fill in for an empty stomach.

I don't think I ate any food of any kind when I woke up on the bus.

Kaisel unzipped his backpack, and got a candy-looking thing out. He unwrapped the candy for me and "Say ah" he said. I didn't want him to feed me. I'm not a baby. But my stomach gave in and I opened my mouth. he did an aeroplane-like motion and plopped the candy in my mouth. I tasted it. Really good! "Mmmm" I was enjoying it.

"it was your favourite too." he smiled shyly

I think I was blushing a bit. "You must really like me to know me this well.." He shook his head abruptly "Nonono, it's just that we were friends for the longest time and.. Uh.. best friends tend to notice things!?"

I started laughing, "you're really funny" I said. It was funny how he tried to save himself from saying that he liked me. He looks fun to tease. I looked at him and he was really red, not sure if it was blush, or it was just getting too hot.

I looked over to see the teachers, when we made eye contact he scoffed at me. Rude. and he came towards us. "Everyone get up. There's going to be another bus coming. Lineup"

The class agreed and we started to line up.

Then when Kaisel walked by, he gave me a handful of candy. He brought this much? Well this is.. Amazing! I put them in my pocket and got the lemon flavoured one and unwrapped it, and ate it.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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