Year 20XX pt2

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GPS is now available where would you like to go?

Maple rock island.


Maple rock island straight ahead.

Oh. I guess we'll just walk it off. I reeled my knees to my face and stood ignoring the sudden and sharp pain in my right ankle. Continuing my previous action of walking, Although a bit wobbly, I was listening carefully for the upcoming directions as well as for any potential threat.

After 10 minutes of walking ive been stolen of silence yet again.

Turn right and continue down the river.

Not wanting to get lost I turn right, looking for a river. As soon as I turn right i see a large river not too far ahead and it makes my throat feel dry and my stomach makes a loud growl of a beast. Yet another weird feeling i was stripped of in my im guessing past life. I always noticed my soldiers bringing dead, cooked, or even raw animals to their mouths whenever their stomach makes that slight growing sound. They called it hunger and explained how it replenishes lost energy while trying to bring said substance to my face.Though i always declined such a kind offer, it seems i have no choice.

During my short thought process, my legs have mindlessly brought me to tge rivers edge. I see almost glaringly through the water, fish swimming freely and calmly. It almost disgusted me how carefree they were. No responsibilities, no training, no purpose. Creatures that live like this irks me, could you truly have nothing to work towards-

"Oh... dear"

Brought out of my thoughts once again to see ive been strangling the fish under the water. A smaller fish tries to free the larger one by nudging my hand. Futile. I grab the little fish and pops its head off with no remorse as i do the same with the bigger one and lift the limp bodies out of the red tinted water, But not before i see my reflection.

My hair is out of its normal high ponytail and laid messily against my back and shoulders. I no longer have my dove white hair, but is now jet black with white streaks. My eye glows menacingly at the sinking heads of innocence fish, it almost scared me. My skin is the same fresh caramel it has always been. Soft by appearance yet tougher than the rarest of diamonds. My build is the same but I seem to be taller than before.

Although I don't remember these particular features, I guess its what comes with reincarnation. Assuming I did to say the least. I bring the 2 fishes to my face and slightly sniff it but once the smell went remotely close to my nose I instantly threw it back in the river, protecting my nose from the foul scent.

At this point i had many questions. Why does the food here smells badly. I always thought food smelled nice.



Before I could even inhale the sky around me deteriorates and breaks into dimensional rifts, chains and seals made of an unidentified material. I rush to stand and sprint away almost stumbling due to a lose vine. A loud explosion happens near where I first awoke. Everything cracks and the trees break in a way thats almost surreal.

As old instincts I continue running as the cracks chased. Hands of darknes continuously try to grab at me, I dodge everytime.

At this point I've been running for an inhumane amount of time. Usually I wouldn't be fazed but I guess I havent been on top of my training, considering I died. I havent a clue where I am, how long its actually been or where I'm going. I've tried asking the "voice" in my head but they wont say anything other than error. My breath is gaining faster speed than my running and Im on the verge of passing out because of it. But no matter how fast I'm running, the void is reaching me before finally catching my foot and plunging me into the illusion of infinite darkness.

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