Chapter 1 - blue eyed people don't blink

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I'm on a bus.

That's all I knew.

I don't have any recollection of what had happened in my life at all. I just knew my name was "Y/N", and that I was an adolescent, and some bits and pieces of grammar and english words.

I didn't really know how to feel right now but I assumed it's probably fine...?

I saw teenagers around my age chattering in the rows before me, teachers in the front. I looked around, out the window, at some people, then looked at my clothes. I suspected that I was a highschooler on a field trip, considering everyone else was in the same clothes as me, and the uniform style, white blouse, teal blue skirt for the girls and long pants for the boys.

The yellow school bus was a giveaway though. The teacher stood up "I want everyone to line up in class number." he said. He looked like a middle aged man with green eyes and brown coat, with darker brown long pants. The odd thing that caught my eye was that he had dirty green hair.

I didn't mind because it seemed everyone had different colored hair. I didn't know what I looked like, but I grabbed some strands, and saw pitch black. Well I didn't mind it, I didn't expect much anyways.

Students started to line up, I didn't know my class number. Obviously. When it reached around the 16th student, the teacher opened the bus doors, "quickly get out, kids" the teacher shouted.

By the time the 23rd student went out, a girl with soft blonde hair approached me "hey you should get up. You're next" I nodded and then stood up from my seat and strapped on my backpack which I didn't even notice I had.

She lined up right behind me, She had light blue eyes. And I think she wanted everyone to know, cause she almost didn't blink at all. "blink" I said, "what?" she was confused, "blink, you're staring really intensely at my backpack right now, it's creepy", she looked embarrassed "oh. Sorry haha" I didn't mind but I was a bit annoyed, like what was even the design of my backpack?

We all got off and the teacher gathered us around a ticket booth area. "Everyone line up again, get your tickets", This is a zoo, uh.. sure, zoos are cool I guess. When I lined up the girl in front me turned around. She was a brunette, also with blue eyes. She didn't blink either.

"Blink" I said while quite annoyed "what?" she said while confused. What's with these blue-eyed people? They don't blink at all.

Whatever. I got my ticket and went inside, a guy came from behind me and hit the back of my head

"OW!" I turned back and I saw a boy with fluffy silver hair. You wouldn't believe it. He had blue eyes too.

What the actual heck.

He stared at me for a while "BLINK, PLEASE!" I said while really aggravated. He started blinking rapidly at me, "good enough for you?" and after he smiled cheekily

Well this was a.. different reaction. What a weird guy. "Wanna see the elephants with me?" he said while being hyper, "I don't even know you." he laughed a bit "Now's not the time to play jokes, c'mon Y/N" he pulled my arm "hey! Waaaait-" he really sprinted while grabbing me, I was barely catching up with my feet! What is wrong with this guy? How is he so fast?!

We stopped. Finally, I looked up. Woah. these elephants.. "They smell bad don't they" he said while pinching his nose, "very." I said.

He looked around then looked straight at me "You're not like yourself today" he said jokingly "did mister loverboy reject you again?" I was confused. "Who?"

"Please, your crush, the douchiest douchebag of the whole school?" he said while smiling, I shook my head

"the king of the school?" I shook my head.

"Oh my dearest lover!" He did a Romeo type of pose while his right hand laid on his chest, I shook my head

"CALTON LEWIS?!" I once again shook my head "I really don't know who he is. I don't even know who you are."

He stumbled aback "your kidding." he said worriedly. "I'm not, what's your name?" he looked hurt and in disbelief, he seemed like it was awkward to answer that question. "Please just answer." I told him.

"It's Kaisel," he said shyly. That is such a pretty name. "Wow." well he did have silver hair and blue eyes. Damn honestly that's a pretty good pair. But that name seems to suit black hair and red eyes better. But whatever. Also what's with these weird hair colours?

"A-anyways, you must have amnesia or something, we should tell the teacher or.. See a doctor" He looked quite hurt, but he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the sheep area "so.. You're really not kidding..?" I nodded "I'm really not, I just.. Woke up on the bus a while ago and only knew my name."

A girl with blue hair and black eyes came by, thank gosh she didn't have blue eyes. She was seriously pretty though. I was quite stunned. "Uhm.. Hi-" I tried to greet her, "hey Y/N, did you write another love letter to my boyfriend?" she said while annoyed. "What..?" I was extremely confused.

Kaisel stepped in, "No she didn't, just go away Elyria." She scoffed. "Whatever." She gave me a dirty look "know your boundaries, Y/N." and walked away.

was this the really good looking but mean girl bully cliche? And I'm the victim/target/nerdy weak main character? That's seriously cool. And weird. And quite depressing.

Kaisel was mad and turned his head to face me "you wrote another letter to Calton?!" he said frustratedly. "Uh.. I don't think I did-?" I said quite unsurely. Look. I don't know who's Calton, nor Elyria, I just know she's pretty and he's probably her boyfriend.

Kaisel seems distressed.

"Are you my brother..?" I asked awkwardly. "What-? No." I was confused, why would he care so much then? Whatever. "Don't worry about me then." I tried to comfort him but he just looked more distressed.

"I... alright.. Uhm.. how about we try to do stuff we did when I was still.. Well.. me? To recollect my memories?" His look brightened, and he started to smile and grabbed my arm. "That's a great idea, yeah, We should." and we started running 

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