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The painful ear wrenching ringing of a alarm clock woke me up with a groan, mumbling curses that 6am came to light.

I sigh getting out of bed cringing at the cold hardwood floor that crystallized the bottom of my feet, Today was my first day at Mayphill high.
     I've been throughout this year- 5 highschools in total, But mama claims this will be our forever home since her job is no longer moving her positions.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror, practicing my small smiles trying to look as cute as possible.
    My face muscles soon got tired of the constant        unrealistic looks i pulled, so i turn off the bathroom    light closing the door behind me.

Seconds before i could unlock my phone i can hear the deep base of my brother's voice echoing from downstairs calling my name, i bite my tongue not really wanting to go but end up doing so anyway.

He stood near the kitchen counter, his white n black hoodie stopping at his hips, but stopping right before passing his pant zipper.
  He wore black Air forces along with his long dreads tied back into a ponytail.

In my opinion he looked like every other basic lightskin boy out there, but the girls tend to go crazy over him like he's some kind of famous football player.

Without noticing i spaced out behind him, standing   there idle without thought, "Ivy, look man, you gonna have to stop doing that bruh" He says finishing up whatever he was doing before turning towards me.

a small whistle could be heard through his nose as he exhaled "I know you don't exactly like talking in the mornings- But this sneaking up on people and just standing there is weird...and kinda creepy" He chuckles scarcely rubbing the back of his neck like he's some corny anime character.

"Then why insist on talking to me" "Jeez- attitude much, i just called you down to get your ass in the car instead of taking the bus"

     My shoulders drop as i start to feel the slightest bit of guilt that clearly showed on my face since Jay ruffled the top of my head like a kid

"Could you stop doing that-" "Why? does lil ivy not like receiving brotherly love from her big strong brother"
    He said in a baby voice coming closer to pull me in a bear hug, lifting me up shifting side to side.

The annoyance on my face grew as i roughly wiggled my way out his grasp and headed to the car, making sure not to talk to him the whole car ride to school.

Right before i could walk off to the building he quickly ran over to my side, grabbing my wrist handing me $15 in cash
  "For lunch, make sure to come get me if anything happens Ivy"
  Jay says with a face full of concern, taken aback a bit i just nod in agreement finally parting ways with him.

"What's his deal today" I think to myself just seconds before pushing open the front door in front of the school, I stop and stare to take a good look at what's all in front of me "white people"

It's not like I dislike all white people..just a good handful, some either tend to be understanding and accepting while others choose to stay ignorant with passive aggressiveness if even that.

As I'm walking to wherever my feet takes my I accidentally bump into someone, the legs under me to buckle causing me to face plant the ground-

       My soft groan in pain was cut short by a deep raspy voice that sounded such of a gods, it was clear, firm but soft enough to comfort "Woahh there princess~ Can't have you falling for me just yet"

He says reaching out a hand, i gently take it processing the beauty in front of me.

His skin was platinum blonde as his eyes were a golden brown, the twist he had in his hair flowed down past his shoulders as some were pulled back in a low ponytail.

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